
Saturday, April 26, 2008


I actually recorded a podcast prolly like a year ago. It was called "Chapter K" and was all about my learning ASL. Chapter K is the tutorial chapter from the rulebook, btw.

I d/led a bunch of good software, and picked up a mic, stand, and mixing board on the cheap. I think you remember all that gear in the back room, don't you R00d?

Anyway, it was fun, and I am sure I would get more interesting with experience and practice, but it was sort of dry. Duh. Then again, some of the podcasts out there are pretty dry, it's just that they talk about stuff that is interesting to me so I listen anyway. Maybe I would have a million listeners if I released it.

I listen to "Point 2 Point" about Wargaming, the D&D Podcast to pretend that I still roleplay and am interested in it, and I used to (and might start again) listening to an audio replay of Masks of Nyarlathotep RPG sessions by some British folks. TERRIBLE sound quality, but again, it is like playing and RPG without all the effort and fun.

I could bring my shit to the con and we could do our first ever podcast! Dunno how Skypecasting would work, but I am sure it could be done. I have tried to have a 4 person conference call with me, Art in NV, and two guys in North Carolina and it was terrible, so mileage may vary.

Of course, no doubt we would never find a topic we all could agree on so this will never happen. Anyone want to do a podcast about wargames? Anyone?