
Monday, August 18, 2008

I Agree

Embassy Suites = Teh awesomez. It is the best hotel, bar none, for staying with kids. Free breakfast, two rooms for sleeping, refer, etc. Apparently, it is a good place for gaming weekends where there is no convention, too!

I also agree that we probably got more gaming done at Man-Con over RegularCon because for a few reasons:

1 - We were a captive audience. There was no dealer room, or flea market, or badges, or this, or that to distract, shock and awe us. We simply had a room, some games, and time. It worked out well.

2 - There were only three of us. Not that big cons are bad, and the more I think about it, I think the captive audience factor might actually remedy any problems with lots of people, but the more people you have, the more options and windows for distraction and effing around. It's easy to make up the minds of three people to all agree on one game, but 7 is a different story.

3 - We had a single purpose. Arguably, RegularCons have a single purpose as well, but it covers such a broad spectrum: The Gaming Hobby. So, while we COULD game all weekend, we sort of bounce around from looking, to playing, to napping, to eating, to shopping, to this, to that, etc. At ManCon, all we were looking to do was game, as there were no other factors to the Gaming Hobby equation.

4 - Time. We had a limited window of time to play, so we did! The only down time we had was slow mornings, breakfast, and drinking the first night, which is to be expected as we are friends first, gamers second (I think).

So, all in all, for less than the total price (including purchases, badges, etc.) of a regular con, we certainly gamed a hell of a lot more percentage wise, except for perhaps the Con of Many Games. I had a great time, and I think it was a great idea and something we should pursue. I'm not EXACTLY saying we should ace out going to KublaCon, but certainly add it to the mix as I feel more fulfilled gaming wise now that I usually do after KublaCon. Of course, I did get to play both Combat Commander and ASL at Kubla, so I suppose variety ain't such a bad thing!