
Monday, August 18, 2008

I agree too

Twas a successful bit of gaming. The lack of common convention distractions played a very significant role, but I would not underestimate the power of a new and exciting D&D. Our focus remained true the entire time as we engrossed ourselves in sorting through the rules of 4e.

I do not think EpiCon could ever be eclipsed as that was an insane amount of gaming that included solid a 21 hour day, but this certainly was pound for pound, one of the most dense gaming sessions at a hotel in our history.

I think 4e is very cool. There are a few items that really could use some rules clarifications and some areas (think: encounter difficulty calculations) that need some descriptive finesse and more sensible charts. Definitely by the end of the event, I was ready to play D&D in earnest with a real DM, as opposed to Warhammer Quest style.

I apologize for being remiss in posting on the blog of late. I seem to have little to contribute nor inclination to share the mundane details of day to day crap that seems to dominate.

About the only thing of real interest out there right now is that my property is up for sale again. D'oh! This just means lots of extra work, stress and as a bonus, a lack of job security again. When and if the building is sold, who knows where I will be working and with what company. Or perhaps I will be hunting the job market again. Only time will tell.
