
Monday, July 14, 2008

Yeah, that guy with the American flag tie is a fucking piece of shit. I totally hate him. And you know he fucking cheated, that piece of shit. I guess the goofy good guy was going to be at E3 this week to try to break the record again. Poor guy.

You know what show I'm hooked on Netflix with right now? Fucking ALIAS! I never ever watched it when it was all the rage and I decided, fuck it, let me watch the first disc. It's fucking awesome! I didn't think I'd get sucked into another one of these goshdarned shows, but here we go again. Time to rearrange my Q so it's all Alias all the time. Also, 2nd season of The Venture Bros is fucking great. First season had a joke about Wookie Life Day. Fuck Family Guy, this is comedy for ME! (Hoo Raa)