
Monday, July 14, 2008

End of an Era

For those of you that had the opportunity to visit my ludicrous office on the 39th floor, I am sad to say that chapter of my career has ended. boo... So now I am shoehorned into a box more befitting my station in the company. My new office on the 21st floor has no windows and approximately 25% the square footage of my last. My old office is now in the process of being demolished.

As my gf so bluntly put it, "You have reached the pinnacle of your life as far as offices go, it can only go down hill from here." Ouch.

/me Shed Tears

American Apparel? Not my thing anyway, so its a moot point for me.

jr0n: The Mr. Hilter baby comment... Priceless. I see the same damn sign in one of the Muni stations and the picture just disturbs me. Props for the unintentional humanity points.
