
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh shit...

Rood, didn't Elzar tell you? He needed to call you about some unrelated topic and offered to pass along that we had to cancel the Thursday night rooms at the hotel. They overbooked so we won't have a room until Friday. Don't worry though, we will totally call you on Friday when we get there. I think we plan on getting there somewhere about 8 or 9 pm. I did put your name on the room reservation for Friday so here is a copy of the reservation info. You'll need it to check in unless you want to wait until 9pm. It's cool, just put it on your credit card. We will totally be there to pay you back... In spirit. But totally we will.

On the upside, Motobyke Hunt, the special lady friends and I will be going to Indy and the Fucking Alien Spielbergo-Ewok Skull at 2pm this afternoon. We will let you all know what we think.

I am totally pumped for this Con. I love me some gamin', Drinking, bad eating and farting debauchery and not necessarily in that order. Ahhhhh yeah!

