
Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm having doubts about my burgertowngeoning gaming career. I got home last night and was too fucking tired to watch my Netflix movies (I have Cloverfield and 30 Days of Nights atm) so if I can't even accomplish that, how the fuck is a guy supposed to create groundbreaking new games at a rate of 1-3 a day? It's daunting... I dunno guys.

CON TONIGHT!!! I arrive around 7ish and then I'll go to the hotel I guess. Enron, email/txt/phone me the room numbers or some kind of information when you have it so I'm not stuck for 4 days sitting in the lobby poopsocking it while you guys enjoy the rooms. Then watch Eric still ask me for room money while I'm lying in a pool of my own blood, piss, and vomit near the pool of the wrong hotel. Thanks Eric!