
Saturday, June 23, 2007

I just bought a Sidekick ID phone! My last phone was dying a slow painfull death - shutting off randomly etc etc. So got me one of these fancy paris hilton kinda phones. Its pretty rad. Well, I got the cheapo edition, so no bluetooth (but I wanted to wear a fucking lazor gun implant on my face!) no camera (what!? how will i take pictures of my cock covered in my pizza grease shit juice!) and no USB port /SD Slot (well - i guess there IS a usb port hidden - but since I cant add memory as far as I know, dont know how usefull it'll be to pry open the plastic cover for it.) Anyways, its pretty radicool. I can rock all 3 main IM programs at the same time, so if any of youz guys gots that shit, add me! I have AIM: thehighendsound and MSN: djhighend (at teh hotmales if u need that info). ANYWAYS, hit me on the hip!

Which reminds me of a recent 30 Rock where Tina Faye's boyfriend was "the king of beepers" and going around trying to sell her coworkers beepers. SO FUCKING FUNNY. My god... Can't find that clip, but here's a top 10 tracy morgan moments from the show: Me and my wife like to play RAPE. OK, one more clip cuz it makes me laugh: CLIP
Ah, working on Saturday

Gotta love it.

This is pretty cool. The Savage Worlds rulebook is going to be rereleased as a full-color softcover for ten bucks cheap! Now there's zero reason for everyone not to have their own copy, and we can play Savage Worlds every con, and have fun all the time, and be BFF, and also buy some ponies! This is that awesome.

On the one hand:
I paid $29.99 for my (admittedly) hardcover copy. Twice in fact, since I own first and second edition.

On the other hand:
I regret nothing.
not really feeling the new Bad Religion album. After the kick-ass concert dvd I guess I was expecting more.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Congrats on the 'versery Art! That's really cool - and so LONG! my goodness, next year I think you're supposed to by some kinda fancy jewelz or something.

That vent thing was HILARIOUS! Balls balls balls balls... (Edit, watching all this guys comps of vent stuff - fuuuunnnnny)
Asinine? Yes.
Juvenile? Yes.

But, I can't stop laughing:


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I <3 My Pin Vice

I finally picked up a pin vise. I Love It. I want to break apart all my models so that I can pin them now.

That's all.

Congrats on the anniversary Art. That is a long time to be married!
It's my 9 year anniversary today (wow, time flies). We've been together 11 years now in total.. going out on the town, gunna hit a Chateau Ste. Michelle wine tasting event (Michelle's favorite winery) here in town.. what luck that it's tonight! Then, going to do a huge sushi feast and then head out for some after-dinner drinks, maybe catch a late movie, dunno.

Eleven years! Man.. that just sounds totally surreal to say out loud.

Monday, June 18, 2007

yup! i remember you saying you had just sent tons of shit to storage - good jorb nancy drew.

In storage hell then

My PS2 days are over then! Thought you had them, I guess the Storage Monster got to them first!
u lent it to me only with the guitar controller so i had to buy a cheapo $10 dollar special - can lend it to u if you'd like.
Oh man, this is hilarious, in a quease-inducing way.

This kid gets pwned by his parents while playing WoW with voice chat on, and his guild recorded it.

Hey Jerks

Anyone who took pictures of teh Kublakhanz: We need some pics to be posted somewhere! Lemme see 'em!

Rudy: Do you still have my PS2 controllers from when you borrowed the system? I can't find them anywhere!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

God, hate to say it, but he actually came off as kind of endearing! Yes, an idiot, but also kinda "awwww cute" in a sorta semi-retard kinda way. And you KNOW he prolly doesn't really wield that much power - what president isn't just a puppet?

Aeryk <3 Bush

Vermont is considering secession. Maybe California could secede, possibly take Oregon and Washington with us.

Sounds like the groundwork for a wargame. I'm fielding 2 units of republic of Shwarzeneggar Cyborgs!

Ugh. However...

... (why amd I saying this) in his defense, I am sure that if we cobbled all the times JFK said "Er, um" a la Mayor Quimby, we may feel as embarrassed about him as well. BUT, it is still inexcusable that this piece of shit makes up words on the fly, butchers other words (and people!), is the Greatest Monster of Our Times, and is from Texas. Bottom line, our president is a tool in the most grandest sense.

I also could not finish watching it.

It just illustrated, along with NASCAR and highly rated TV shows, that America is defined by everyone NOT living on the coasts. Middle America is the worst country on the planet.

Yes, I am elitist. Yes, I am a snob. Yes, I think America would be better without the states that are landlocked and that touch the Gulf of Mexico. Georgia too. And maybe the Carolinas. Fuck it, the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii need to secede! The West shall rise again! w00t!


I couldn't even finish watching it. So depressing! If it was some idiot celebrity I would have thought it funny, but our president... A sad state of affairs.

I hate that man SO MUCH.