
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ugh. However...

... (why amd I saying this) in his defense, I am sure that if we cobbled all the times JFK said "Er, um" a la Mayor Quimby, we may feel as embarrassed about him as well. BUT, it is still inexcusable that this piece of shit makes up words on the fly, butchers other words (and people!), is the Greatest Monster of Our Times, and is from Texas. Bottom line, our president is a tool in the most grandest sense.

I also could not finish watching it.

It just illustrated, along with NASCAR and highly rated TV shows, that America is defined by everyone NOT living on the coasts. Middle America is the worst country on the planet.

Yes, I am elitist. Yes, I am a snob. Yes, I think America would be better without the states that are landlocked and that touch the Gulf of Mexico. Georgia too. And maybe the Carolinas. Fuck it, the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii need to secede! The West shall rise again! w00t!