
Saturday, June 23, 2007

I just bought a Sidekick ID phone! My last phone was dying a slow painfull death - shutting off randomly etc etc. So got me one of these fancy paris hilton kinda phones. Its pretty rad. Well, I got the cheapo edition, so no bluetooth (but I wanted to wear a fucking lazor gun implant on my face!) no camera (what!? how will i take pictures of my cock covered in my pizza grease shit juice!) and no USB port /SD Slot (well - i guess there IS a usb port hidden - but since I cant add memory as far as I know, dont know how usefull it'll be to pry open the plastic cover for it.) Anyways, its pretty radicool. I can rock all 3 main IM programs at the same time, so if any of youz guys gots that shit, add me! I have AIM: thehighendsound and MSN: djhighend (at teh hotmales if u need that info). ANYWAYS, hit me on the hip!

Which reminds me of a recent 30 Rock where Tina Faye's boyfriend was "the king of beepers" and going around trying to sell her coworkers beepers. SO FUCKING FUNNY. My god... Can't find that clip, but here's a top 10 tracy morgan moments from the show: Me and my wife like to play RAPE. OK, one more clip cuz it makes me laugh: CLIP