
Saturday, April 21, 2007

I thought the three "intermission" trailers were just all right, but Machete would be such an awesome movie! Robert Rodriguez apparently is thinking about making a real film of that... I'd see that shit for sure!
Good review! Yeah I saw the late show, so all the Death Proof stuff that bugged was magnified by +10 Sleep of the Tired One. Yeah, the chase at the end was pretty fun, but I think I was burned out and bitter from looong build up. I didn't sit thru the credits - was there a joke at the end!?

Dude I friggin LOVED Planet Terror. Loved the look (maybe the "crusty stock" was a little over used like fake "record-scratch" on songs)and LOVED the shit with the doctor's little kid. Oh my god, that kid was good. Hahaha, so much funny shit in it. I wanna see it again. What'd you think of the fake-previews? Thanksgiving was great and gotta love the line "They fucked with the wrong Mexican." Hahaha. Good shit. I pissed inbetween movies so didn't see Rob Zombies Werewomen of the SS one. I will look online to see those again. (Enron - I think it was Eli Roth who did Thanksgiving to make minor correction to your past review. ;) )
I saw Grindhouse tonight. Spoilarz follow. Pretty decent, but not anything I would ever watch again, except for the exciting parts of Death Proof. I thought the first part was entertainingly stupid. The "rocket jump" was the single stupidest thing I've ever seen in a movie, congraturation Robert Rodriguez. The "missing reel" was hilarious. I also liked the female cop's progressive hotness and the jailbait babysitters.

Death Proof I liked, but it certainly was far from perfect. I'm glad I was warned that it was slow and talky, and I'm also glad that I didn't see the movie late (we saw the 6:00 show)... that said, I really enjoyed the whole part with the first set of girls, talkiness and all. I thought it was an effective build-up to Stuntman Mike's roadside antics. I didn't start getting antsy or frustrated until the loooooong scene in the restaurant with the second group. Oh my God, that went on forever. I get it, Quentin, all these girls are real humans. Let's move on already! Also the chewing and eating sounds drove my girlfriend crazy. And then that scene was followed by an even more endless scene, where Zoe and the tough chick spent forever discussing their whole ship's mast idea. I don't care how cool the stunt actually was in execution, there is no stunt in the world that can follow that much buildup.

The last twenty minutes however was awesome, a little cheesy in how jolly the girls were about pulling off their revenge, but awesome. It's rare to see a car chase like that anymore and it was done in such a badass way (it may have helped that I worked on the DVD for Vanishing Point and therefore saw it many, many times -- really cool flick). Also Enron -- I really liked the complete turnaround Kurt Russell's character went through as soon as things got turned around on him. I thought it was funny as a specific choice to not make him the sort of unstoppable badass you see in typical horror flicks but rather to show how pathetic his whole character is. The very last shot (well, technically the last two shots I guess) were fucking great. The moment at which "The End" comes up is perfect. But still, Death Proof could've been cut way the hell down and I would have enjoyed it a lot more. If I were to see this fine film again then my peepee break would definitely take place during the restaurant scene. In fact there would be time for a nice long poo.
Yo Aeryk, checketh thine gmail.

Friday, April 20, 2007

wow that was pretty fuckin good! i had heard about that but hadnt tracked it down yet. gonna watch "stranger than fiction" in a lil while. just watched "deja vu" not so good. It ISNT about the strip club of the same name. It is in fact about solving the clues in time without makin any fuckin sense. WAHT!?
Yeah, that sucks. They seemed to be on to a really good thing with the adventure paths and so on. Damn you, Paizo!

Maybe you guys can cheer yourself up with this, it's funny shit: linky.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Little Piece of Me Just Died

Dragon and Dungeon to cease publication.

I am still a subscriber to both.
Musings Vol 16

- Returned from a whirlwind trip to Santa Cruz looking for places to rent as we are sick and tired, and tired and sick of being stuck in Manhattan Beach. We are planning to rent for a year up north, and in the meantime sell or develop our house. Anyhoo, we found a great place, but are one of 9 applicants. Since we show no income month to month, only year to year, beating out someone with a consistent income may be tough. All we got going for us is that we have owned a home for 6 years, and maybe the other applicants have not? *fingers crossed*

- Wylie still does not like travel. He is old enough to hate sitting in one seat for 6 hours, but young enough that he can't really entertain himself. Not to mention the whole sleeping in a new place and messed up bedtime schedule made for a fun trip.

- I have found a new love for my PSP ever since I discoved this little program called 'devhook' that essentially lets me boot my PSP with any firmware I want which lets me both play my NES and Doom games, while also playing the latest games. So, I have so far: 300, WarCry (the Warhammer card game), The Marvel Vs. Cardgame, Star Wars Legos, Medal of Honor, and the greastest of them all, Puzzle Quest. Except for WarCry, 300 to some extent, and Puzzle Quest, I would have been SO PISSED if I had spent any money on these games. I played for a few second and deleted them ina fit of boredom and anger. Puzzle quest is great, and I intend to buy it, 300 is so-so, I will delete it, and WarCry is awesome and I intend to buy it. All my games are legal. All of them.

- I went to the Strategicon website via a banner from BGG, and found this game description of an event being run:

This is part two of the Dead Presidents series. In part one, the Dead Presidents were raised by the Masons to fight the Scourge from The World of Warcarft in Washington, DC. They won, but Woodrow Wilson died closing the gate. Now it's on to Chicago to face the Ents from the Lord of the Rings and their Leader, Treebeard.

Really makes me a) think twice about coming to Kublacon because the strength of the games offered at Strategicon appears to be the best around, and b) reminds me with great fondness some of the games we used to play in at Strategicon in the old days when the cons were much more "wild west" and anything sort of went. Good times. BTW, kidding about not coming to Kubla.

- Confirmed and purchased a ticket for Colleen to come to town and cover my shift with Wylie, so I will be attending Kublacon for all 4 days (leaving early monday morning)! Huzzar!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

o/ <---- that's me saying "hello!"

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I pre-regged!! Put it under FUCK F. ACE! HAHAHAAHAHA oh my god that is so funny. Yup! See u guys at the con!

I got a horrible tequila hangover - ugggg, thats why i dont drink that shit!
Well, at least now I know where to buy your birthday present Enron.

Oh and that Pantera video was hilarious. Props for the atrocious nuts shots.

Turns out I miscalculated my taxes a few months ago! Instead of being owed a total of $16.68, actually I'm owed a total of $8.44! Sweet! I'm gonna buy like 7 doughnuts or something.
Remember boys, it's tax day and pre-reg day

For anyone who hasn't registered yet (like me)... today's the last day to do so at the supar-cheap rate of $40 dollars bones! That's 20% off the price you'll pay there! $10 off! That's 1/3 lapdance (US), 10 bags of popcorn, one big beer at the bar!