
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Good review! Yeah I saw the late show, so all the Death Proof stuff that bugged was magnified by +10 Sleep of the Tired One. Yeah, the chase at the end was pretty fun, but I think I was burned out and bitter from looong build up. I didn't sit thru the credits - was there a joke at the end!?

Dude I friggin LOVED Planet Terror. Loved the look (maybe the "crusty stock" was a little over used like fake "record-scratch" on songs)and LOVED the shit with the doctor's little kid. Oh my god, that kid was good. Hahaha, so much funny shit in it. I wanna see it again. What'd you think of the fake-previews? Thanksgiving was great and gotta love the line "They fucked with the wrong Mexican." Hahaha. Good shit. I pissed inbetween movies so didn't see Rob Zombies Werewomen of the SS one. I will look online to see those again. (Enron - I think it was Eli Roth who did Thanksgiving to make minor correction to your past review. ;) )