
Saturday, April 21, 2007

I saw Grindhouse tonight. Spoilarz follow. Pretty decent, but not anything I would ever watch again, except for the exciting parts of Death Proof. I thought the first part was entertainingly stupid. The "rocket jump" was the single stupidest thing I've ever seen in a movie, congraturation Robert Rodriguez. The "missing reel" was hilarious. I also liked the female cop's progressive hotness and the jailbait babysitters.

Death Proof I liked, but it certainly was far from perfect. I'm glad I was warned that it was slow and talky, and I'm also glad that I didn't see the movie late (we saw the 6:00 show)... that said, I really enjoyed the whole part with the first set of girls, talkiness and all. I thought it was an effective build-up to Stuntman Mike's roadside antics. I didn't start getting antsy or frustrated until the loooooong scene in the restaurant with the second group. Oh my God, that went on forever. I get it, Quentin, all these girls are real humans. Let's move on already! Also the chewing and eating sounds drove my girlfriend crazy. And then that scene was followed by an even more endless scene, where Zoe and the tough chick spent forever discussing their whole ship's mast idea. I don't care how cool the stunt actually was in execution, there is no stunt in the world that can follow that much buildup.

The last twenty minutes however was awesome, a little cheesy in how jolly the girls were about pulling off their revenge, but awesome. It's rare to see a car chase like that anymore and it was done in such a badass way (it may have helped that I worked on the DVD for Vanishing Point and therefore saw it many, many times -- really cool flick). Also Enron -- I really liked the complete turnaround Kurt Russell's character went through as soon as things got turned around on him. I thought it was funny as a specific choice to not make him the sort of unstoppable badass you see in typical horror flicks but rather to show how pathetic his whole character is. The very last shot (well, technically the last two shots I guess) were fucking great. The moment at which "The End" comes up is perfect. But still, Death Proof could've been cut way the hell down and I would have enjoyed it a lot more. If I were to see this fine film again then my peepee break would definitely take place during the restaurant scene. In fact there would be time for a nice long poo.