
Wednesday, November 07, 2007


- So, Jon got me sick too by talking to me over the phone and Skype. Jerk.

- If you have ever wanted to debate the fact that Tolkien's Balrog had, or did NOT have wings, here is a place you can go for debate ammunition. Never knew it was that big of an issue, but then again, I never knew a lot of things.

- I finally got through Game of Thrones! It is AWESOME! Driving to LA and back, I listened for something like 9 hours of the book on mp3, and it covered something like 250 - 300 pages of the real book. Well, of the real big book, not the smaller one, so actually now that I think about it, it probably covered more ground because the big book only has like 600 something pages... but I digress. Please, post no spoilers about it as I am totally enthralled with it, and I think of everyone that would read it, probably has, and everyone that would never read it (Ryan, Art, Denis, and Mike) me talking about it shouldn't really matter much. So here are my quick thoughts, and if you WANT to read it, skip over the


- I feel weird about reading this kind of fantasy as most of the crap I have read in the past is fairly tame, and by tame I mean written for 14 year old boys. So there is a lot of fighting and blood sprays and whatnot, but a lot less truly graphic stuff. Not that GoT is graphic in combat, just everywhere else. You know? From the pervy, sexy Dany chapters to the Cersei/Jaime hot lovin', to the killing of babies and all that, it is a much more mature fantasy series than I am used to, but I like it!

- It was great and unexpected how Ned died, as well as Drogo (and Lady as well as the butchers boy, Arya's first sparring partner, to some extent). They were shocking, unexpected, and were written about with much less fanfare than I would have assumed. Good stuff.

- What really helped me finish and tear into the next book was to learn how to read GRRM. He has lots of filler, that while nice for illustrating and fleshing out the world, is really less than important to the story. I mean, I was SO hung up on trying to follow who everyone was the first, second, and third time he mentioned them, I was getting pissed because it was becoming work to read. Then I learned to just gloss over almost everyone's names, because if they are important, they will be repeated enough so that you realize they have a place in the book. Also, using multiple names for the same person pissed me off. Ned = Eddard, The Hound = Sandor Clegane, Peter Balish = Littlefinger, etc.

- No one is squeaky clean, and ALMOST no one is truly as evil as they seem. It is all a matter of perspective, and I like that. Even The Hound, evidently... but not his brother...

- The only comic relief comes from Tyrion, and most of his quips are self-referential regarding his "short" comings, whores, being unloved by his family, or horrendous acts of violence it seems. A fitting bit of 'humor' for such a dark and gritty book.

- Makes me want to play GoT the boardgame BECAUSE of all the backstabbing and lies that abound thoughout the book. It would make no sense to play the game any other way, but without my knowledge of the book, I would still never want to play it ever. Does that make sense? I look forward to having my Gold Cloaks turn on me at the worst possible time!


So, yeah. I liked the book and am 100 or so pages into #2. Wish me luck!