
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm glad to hear you finally got through it Eric! Do you like avocado, turkey, and bacon? And George RR Martin? Then welcome to the fuckin' club.

Personally, I think EVERYBODY who is part of this blog would like this series. I think Mike was scared away when we described that it's occasionally pretty graphic in the events that occur, but to be honest, it's not like it's "George Rape Rape Martin's Rape-a-thon," there's just some harsh shit that happens in war and he doesn't turn a blind eye to it just because it's a fantasy book. If anything it makes what happens to the characters you care about all the more engaging because the stakes of what can go wrong are SO high. Also, we are tough guys. As I remember we once got a lot of mileage out of the idea of fucking a home-made vagina made from beef liver.

Heck, my dad normally just reads spy books, and he thought it was a good read.

As for the board game, I'll play you anytime! Hell, maybe we can fit in a game at Enron's BDay party! I realized just now that not only is it not in storage, it is on the game shelf that is exactly at eye level to me, precisely in the center, with the words "GAME OF THRONES: THE BOARD GAME" prominently feature in eye-catching text.