
Friday, February 24, 2006


GH Update: Finally got passed those two damned songs this morning and am now on the last set list. I concur, Bark at the Moon is impossible. My best score in five VERY quick attempts before shutting it down this morning was 26% complete. I did manage, when attempting an experimental pick/finger technique.. to bomb out at 4% once. LOL

We went and got those old-timey looking family portraits done today. We pick them up next friday. If we buy a package, we'll get all of you tards a picture to proudly show off your little niece. ;)
when my durid would fight allodin i would pwn with easy!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chopper... sick balls.

Elzar the gozarian: Check this site out. It has a list of must have Firefox web development tools. Some of them are pretty cool.

O: Yeah I hear kickin' me in the balls is a work out.

Ice Lee: Lemon Baseball? Is that like Sloshball? Good to hear that biz seems to be on the up and up. "Killing is my businesss, and business is good!". Also, you said Seed. Sweet. But keep that to yourself buddy. Or jr0n's mouth.

Friends and Family are great!

Most of my business owner uncles are very supportive of my new endeavor in the philippines. One such has volunteered to help me out, I'm starting with 2.5 million in seed capital, half of that, i'm putting out (to own 51% share of course) but the other half will somewhat be divided into a few friends and family.

*EDIT* Pesos man Pesos... 1 dollar is to 50.

My uncle is also getting a Resident doctor/city council man/clinic owner to be one of the initial investors and board member. Of course, I'll have to convince him of my ideas and my ability to run the company. But with all the connections I'm getting, i'm sure somethings bound to happen even if it is in small scale.

Still lots of paperwork to crunch with registration from the government. Not going to bypass that redtape anytime soon.


excercise is the way to go man... play some lemon baseball. I think you got really ANGRY that time. heh
Art, I mean Aaron: That driving simulator thing is rediculous. I must have it.

Jhohn, weight watchers isn't a bad way to go with the point system and all that. However, it doesn't really directly address the issue of healthy eating, other than to charge you insane points for "bad" foods. Ultimately, you could eat just about as much as you want to as long as you follow the rules I've set out, and you'd be hard pressed not to lose weight.

Shit, just walk up and down those fucking insane stairs outside your house a couple times a day and I guarantee you'll lose weight and have some ripped legs. For an added bonus, make sure you're breaking in new shoes and have near-bloody blisters before attempting. Then, kick Aaron in the balls for me when you're done. Thanks.

Haight Watchers: "Dude that guy is totally a rich wanna-be commie brat. Fuck'm in the back now!"

I gotta say the Weight Watchers thing worked really well for you jr0n. Since I lived with you during your diet I saw the entire process. Very consistent and reliable system for you. I guess diets mostly come down to conviction and what matches your personality/habits best.

O: Wouldn't be great to be rich and have some serious mad engineering skillz, Check it out... Crazy Auto racing sim

Elzar: That is fucking funny as hell. Man Why didnt we do anything cool like that at the Kings games? I guess we suck as nerds. We have to kick it up next time we do a Kings game.

jr0n: Yeah Ostrich is good stuff, but since it is very low in fat and more like a wild game food than a domesticated farm food, it is very easy to overcook. One minute on the grill can make the difference between perfection and steel-belted. In an unrelated note, I will make sure I make the peacock feathers available for you when you come visit me.

bUnk3r Cun7

That ASL picture was awesome.

Hey Art thanks for the advice! Actually I have only tried ostrich once, but I really should try it again. I had it at some weird restaurant (like Fuddrucker's or something) and was not too impressed, but I'm gonna try it again.

Anyway, this is actually my second stint on Weight Watchers. Yeah, it seems vaguely dodgy but I've found that the online version does work well for me. I lost about 50 pounds a few years back on it. I found that it's not really a fad diet or anything like that so much as a little stricter version, basically, of "don't eat so much." What primarily works about it for me is the action of writing everything down. Basically I find if I write down everything that I eat in the course of the day it helps me skip eating so much garbage.

Lately I've been going in and out of eating like shit again and I'm about 10-15 pounds heavier than I'd like. Unfortunately I don't really have time or access to a gym so it's mostly going to have to come through diet (and also pushups and using the weights in the house so that my muscle doesn't wither away to nothing). Also I know that the older I get the harder it's going to be to take weight off, so I might as well look my studliest right now. Anyway I'm going to go throw up again. Maybe when I look at my fat thighs in the mirror I will throw up automatically! LOL 15/f lfg
Sometimes Nerds Get It Right

So, here is a guy that was taunting Curt Schilling at some playoff game in '04 I think. BTW, a 6+1 is a the worst leader you can get in ASL, and BTW II Curt Schilling owns part of MMP which puts out ASL. He plays ASL and actually designs scenarios for it! Crazy!


You don't need weight watchers or any of the fad diets... and least of all a crash-starvation diet (which is, ironically, what fAtkins amounts to). It's fairly simple. You need to adjust your diet so that you eat less (no) saturated fats, eat smaller meals more often, don't eat within 3 hours of going to sleep and most importantly, stop eating when you're no longer hungry instead of eating until you're full.

Quick, short list of how to eat healthy:

1. No more cow. No cow's milk, no beef.
2. No more pig. It's nearly as bad for you as cow, and worse in some regards.
3. Nothing with hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils of any kind.
4. No MSG, (aka: modified food starch, autolyzed yeast)
5. Nothing over 9% fat content per serving (5-7% is better, even).
6. No empty calories: Soda. Cookies. Brownie bites. Chips that don't meet the rest of the rules (mostly all except baked lays).
7. Read ingredient labels. No casein (milk protein) or any of the psuedo-msg contents listed above.
8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day or more.
9. Avoid things with artificial flavors and colors or that are highly processed.
10. Be wary of "light" foods that contain artificial sweeteners. They slow down your metabolism and make everything you eat have more "effective" calories. Better to just eat natural foods and real sugar.
11. Olive oil is "good" fat, just be conscious of how much you're using. Try to be sparing and use just enough to do the job when cooking.
12. If you have to, drink wine instead of beer or spirits.
13. If you have to, drink decaf. If you can manage, don't drink caffeine at all. (See: things that screw with your natural metabolic systems)

Recommendations for food / substitutes:

Foster Farms boneless/skinless (watch for "broth/solution percentage" on chicken packaging.. anything more than 2-3% and you're buying sewage-slime mystery marinade)

If you've got the jones for red meat, find a store (like Whole Foods) that sells Ostrich filet/loin. It's very, very tasty and has less fat than chicken believe it or not.

8th Continent Vanilla Soy Milk
Earth Balance 'butter' (only non-dairy butter I've found)
Egg Beaters (costco has these cheap)
Paul Newman non-dairy cookies (take your pick, there's a bunch. I'm a mint-chocolate cookie guy myself)
Licorice for snacking
Good Slice soy cheese
Tofutti "better than cream cheese" Cream Cheese

Without additional physical activity or excercise, Michelle's parents lost 50 and 35 pounds each in the first 2 1/2 months of being on this diet, eating things like french toast, pancakes, mashed potatoes, pan roasted chicken, salmon, cookies, pasta... and her dad lost 100 points on his bad cholersterol count to boot, even with the occaisonal shrimp-laden meal. Mostly, by eliminating artificial shit from food intake and by eliminating saturated fats.

When Michelle was diagnosed with her dietary sensitivity to chemicals and artificial flavors/colors a few years ago, this is more or less the food plan we went on. Her restrictions are more harsh due to other issues, but this is more or less what I and her folks are doing. I lost 35 pounds and 4 inches on my waist without anything other than what I've listed above.

Anyway, not trying to get all preachy. Just wanted to help out. In the end, whatever works is a good way to go. However, I think most of the fad diets and guilt-systems aren't very effective long-term solutions.

If you want some recipes for different easy to make dishes, let me know. Cooking healthy but tasty is kind of a side hobby of mine now. =0

Man, that got a lot longer than I intended. LOL.

wow avi guide content

I was just in the WOW forums and saw a lot of people spamming and counterspamming. Most people could either be right/wrong/idiots/noobs. I think the best way to show what or what a class can't do is by having a whole library of AVI, but made by good players as a guide, ie "tricks". It would have been cool if I was still really into the game. I coulda made a whole bunch of Paladin Tips, mainly content on "how to kick Rudy's druids butt who is 4 levels higher"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006



only way that really works dude.

Good Pointers! Tell me how it goes for you.
Good Lord, I Just Got Furious

I just spent a good half hour in an argument with my roommates. I think everything worked out to everybody's satisfaction in the end, but my goodness I was angry for a while there. I almost never get really mad so I'm not really used to it. My stomach is still kind of churning and I just want to play video games or something.

Oh yeah, I joined Weight Watchers again, that might be another reason my stomach is churning a little bit because it's a strange adjustment at first. I'm so fat! I think I'll just quit eating altogether, or if I do eat anything, I promise to promptly throw it up again.


Nice work putting those up again Aeryk. Is it just me or did we used to be a little handsomer and wittier in the old days? Also I didn't always used to be so fat! God damn it, why won't the fat leave my thighs???


I picked up this cool-looking boardgame, Battlestations. I know Aeryk knows about it but I don't know about the rest of you... it's a sort of RPG-board game combo (in the same basic way that Warhammer Quest is, although it's a lot more complex) where your group is the crew of a spaceship. You assemble and customize your spaceship from modular parts and then go out on missions run by a referee. You get to fly around and do space battle shit on a space hex map, and also your characters maneuver around on the spaceship maps so you can board enemy ships and fight it out, attack space stations, and so on. It looks hecka fun and I'm determined to run it whenever there's a group of us together (whenever that may be).

I'm also dangerously concerned about my growing interest in miniatures that are a part of games I don't even play. Some of the Starship Troopers miniatures look pretty cool, for example.
In Addition

Four pictures down from "Zombies by Daylight", we are pictured enjoying the Up Front! tournament. Elrock v. Enron, and Myke v. Some Up Front Master. The picture is entitled, "Boardgaming".

The sweet thing is I was quickly clicking through looking for the Zombies picture, and I recognized in a split second, the green "Choose Your Weapon" shirt of Mikes, and then I also noticed a dark spot where the hair should be, and immediately thought of Mike. Upon closer inspection, it was!

ALSO: Added the archives link again. Good times reading through the archives. I read a few weeks' posts leading up to BachelorPartyCon and beyond JonHousesittingWhileIGoOnHoneymoonCon. Good times.

Yet another Actionteam spotting at a con. We were zombies too. I was trying sExplain Doom after lunch. If memeory serves I proceeded to beat the crap out of you two as a result of a slight rules slip on my part. Oooops, I dont know how that could have happened. Good stuff. I gotta say, I do not remember getting our photos taken at any of our appearences in Con publicities.

Elzar: Good to hear their is new life in the old Strategicons. Everytime we have talked about the old con in the past few years has been bad news. To me that Con will always be dear to my heart for obvious reasons. So each time I hear about the sad state of affairs that it had become in recently, a little bit of me dies inside.

Zombies by daylight

So Enron, Dennis and Elrock, you should check out the Kublacon website's pictures... because there is a funny picture of you all there, and that' s the description.
Har! Har!

yeah, great.

Myke... is that really your name?
Man. I am very, very stuck on the set list that includes crossroads. Ironically, I got through crossroads on the first try (weird, eh?). I've also got the first two completed, which leaves Ace of Spades and.. eh.. the third one. I think it's the Queens of the Stone Age song.

They both completely kick my ass. I can't get hardly half way through either of them. #3 has a ton of pinky-chords and pinky-transitions (which always kick my ass).. and the Ace of Spades uses a shit-load of lifts and hammers (which I have an equally hard time with).

I'm going to give each of them another half dozen attempts and then I'll just have to call it and move on to Expert on the easier set lists.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bark at the Moon.. enough to make me want to cry on medium. Haven't gotten through to it on hard yet I dont think.

You want to really screw with yourself? Try going back to Medium or Easy.. it's SO SLOW it screws you up. Heh. I have problems with the songs that are heavily dependent on lifts and hammers. For some reason I just can't get it to register with regularity. I haven't moved on to Expert yet. I've been trying to get through all the songs on Hard.. which has been a bit.. well.. hard.

That, and I just haven't had much time. School is kicking my a-hole right now.

Oh, and yes, I totally agree that having previous experience with guitar playing is a bonus once you get the hang of things. I can say that it wouldn't be impossible for a non-guitar player to do well (how many negatives was that again?).. and the way the game walks you slowly up in speed and complexity. It is, on the whole, a lot of fun to play. I wish it had more "meat" to the experience (as I said before).. but it's still a lot of fun.
Bluitar Blero

So, I am now 20 songs into expert, and I have a few observations and statements about the game:

- It is a really really really fun game!

- I think MAYBE "Bark at the Moon" on Hard could be impossible. Of course, I jumped to expert, and have done 20 of those songs between trying BatM, so maybe not.

- In my vaccum of judgement here, I think now that things are a bit harder, guitar playing experience is probably of considerable help. Thoughts about that Art?

- I most of these songs are actually more difficult to play in game than on guitar. if you can play guitar that is.

- "Ziggy Stardust" is an EXCELLENT SONG!

- The tip of my left ring finger is permanently numb from rocking so hard. On the 3rd key there is a ridge, like on keyboards, to help remind you where you are on the fretboard. The harder I rock and the longer I play, my finger gets brutalized grinding on that ridge. I think the damage may be permanent.

- Finally, it is a great game because it is like the most active listening you can give a song, outside of actually playing it with real instruments. You feel as if "you are IN the game".

Because reality is shit, and CYBERspace is God! Delete yourself.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Orccon 2006

Way better than before. I think it has alot to do with the proliferation of Euro Games. Little to no CCG's being played, from my survey. A smattering of RPG's, lots of minis, and not just GW, and LOTS of Euro Games. Lots.

I attended friday night, to play C&C:Ancients, and the place was actually hoppin'! I played two games, and by the time I left around 10:30pm, the boardgame room was packed! Nice!

I returned to play ASL on saturday, and no one showed up. The story of my ASL life, until next weekend that is! (More on that later). I stuck around for a few hours lounging about, reading ASL rules, and checking stuff out. When I left in the afternoon, say 3ish, there was not a single spot in the structure! I parked on the top, and never saw a spot the whole way down!

Then, Mike and I attended on Sunday to get a little Up Front! under our belts, which we did, and had a blast! That is seriously one of the best games I have ever played. If it were only a little bit easier, I think it would get a lot more play out of it. We'll see when the fables re-design and re-release from MMP happens. Not likely to ever happen though. Great game!

The guy that coached Mike and I through our first game, and answered rules questions for us the second, is an apparent ASL freakazoid, and told me about the West Coast Melee that is going on next weekend in the OC. Basically it is an ALL ASL CONVENTION FOR FOUR DAYS!!!! So, I will be attending at least a day of that, and play in their beginner tournament, or at least get some coaching from some of the old grognards, as I play my first official ASL game!

I am so happy right now! *weep*

Good convention though. It had me longing for the old days where we would all shack up at the Westin for some fun in the rainy LAX gaming environment. Good times. Good times.

PS Check this suckers!
If by "six" you mean "sex", then I'm in.
JESUS, did you guys know that cock-eyed fuck John Romero has a totally hot 21 year old wife!?! WTF?!?

Dumpy she looks, the more I look at her. But nah, she's pretty fuckin hot, specially for the guy who made Daikatana!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fun games!
Drill Dozer (good times with it, in small doses. Old school platform fun!)
Riviera: The Promised Land! (RPG that has a really unique style to how it all plays - almost like a choose yer own adventure kinda sorta. I'm really enjoying it.)
Broken Sword (Yeah, remember this old computer adventure game? dont think i played it on the pc back in the day, but ran through it recently on the gba and it was pretty cool - god, i miss the old adventure games!)
Bonus games: Lotta Advance Wars (1st one) and Street Fighter Alpha 3. Good times.

Not so good game:
Auto Assault. Played the beta this weekend (for like 30 mins maybe) of the new ncsoft mmorpg and it was pretty darn bad. Seemed to be almost the exact same graphics system/structure that city of heroes has, and i don't like that much at all. No good, imo.

Cant wait:
NWN2! Oh man, after the let down that DDO is kinda looking like it'll be (eric's review plus a million similar comments online) I got bored and was checkin sites about NWN2 and it looks like its gonna rock! Man, they need to hurry up with it. I for one, can't wait!

Music: Workin on it art! Call me tomorrow and i'll play u some over the phone:
three tu three, ate fore juan, six sevin six sevin. I should be around the house midday if you get a chance to call. thx brotha!

jael: how's things in PI? Heard about that crazy landslide - that was no where near you, right?

mike: gl w/ teh stfu!
Guitar Hero Update:

Killer Queen on Hard level? Rediculous. Took me many attempts to finally get through it. The weird thing is.. it's the first song in that particular set, which I think means it's supposed to be the easiest of the five to get through. Wicked. I remember it being a challenge on Medium, too. I can't even imagine how insane it must be on Expert.
Cold medicnine _+ thee double scothces = good drunk.

edit: Wow. Bonus points for excellent spelling. LOL. I'm suprised by how un-not-good I feel this morning given that I rolled back home at 3am-ish. I think I'm getting too old for that night life scene. Heh.