
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Friends and Family are great!

Most of my business owner uncles are very supportive of my new endeavor in the philippines. One such has volunteered to help me out, I'm starting with 2.5 million in seed capital, half of that, i'm putting out (to own 51% share of course) but the other half will somewhat be divided into a few friends and family.

*EDIT* Pesos man Pesos... 1 dollar is to 50.

My uncle is also getting a Resident doctor/city council man/clinic owner to be one of the initial investors and board member. Of course, I'll have to convince him of my ideas and my ability to run the company. But with all the connections I'm getting, i'm sure somethings bound to happen even if it is in small scale.

Still lots of paperwork to crunch with registration from the government. Not going to bypass that redtape anytime soon.


excercise is the way to go man... play some lemon baseball. I think you got really ANGRY that time. heh