
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bluitar Blero

So, I am now 20 songs into expert, and I have a few observations and statements about the game:

- It is a really really really fun game!

- I think MAYBE "Bark at the Moon" on Hard could be impossible. Of course, I jumped to expert, and have done 20 of those songs between trying BatM, so maybe not.

- In my vaccum of judgement here, I think now that things are a bit harder, guitar playing experience is probably of considerable help. Thoughts about that Art?

- I most of these songs are actually more difficult to play in game than on guitar. if you can play guitar that is.

- "Ziggy Stardust" is an EXCELLENT SONG!

- The tip of my left ring finger is permanently numb from rocking so hard. On the 3rd key there is a ridge, like on keyboards, to help remind you where you are on the fretboard. The harder I rock and the longer I play, my finger gets brutalized grinding on that ridge. I think the damage may be permanent.

- Finally, it is a great game because it is like the most active listening you can give a song, outside of actually playing it with real instruments. You feel as if "you are IN the game".

Because reality is shit, and CYBERspace is God! Delete yourself.