
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Jeez Art, that school project shit is SO depressing sounding. I HATED those types of things, but as fate always had it for me, I'd get in a group of equally lazy folks, so we'd all kinda squirt out a passable piece of work. But I'd always here similiar stories to yers from my more studious friends.

Heroes is a good show. BUT, I dunno, I've lost a little bit of love for it last few episodes. This week's show was cool, but I think it suffers the same kinda problem that any of these ensemble kinda shows suffer: one or two of the story-lines is CRAP and it bums you out when those scenes come on. I'm kinda that way with the "Niki Whatsherfucking-lastname" scenes, and kind of even the cheerleader ones. I'm just kinda, "meh." when they come on. But whatever - fun show for sure, and definately light years ahead of most network-tv dramas.

My fave shows this year have been:
Doctor Who!?
Dexter (I know eric hates a lot of the acting in it and the voice over, but I really dig those parts of it. Believe it or not, my main boss in the office (a leuitnant i spellz good) is pretty darn CLOSE to that guy in Dexter who's all loud and suspicious of Dex heh.)
And prolly now the new Robin Hood from BBC. Just crammed 9 episodes down my fucking throat over the last couple days and I'm all hooked on that one.

i ToTALLY feel the same way about Lost that you do Ry. I watched Season 1 on DvD in like a week, then half of season 2 on downloadington, then once I hit the "live shows" and you had to wait a week or more inbetween, boooo. I still watch it, but it's totally fallin down a few notches for me. PLUS i think season 1 is the best cuz they had a few ppl writing/directing from the buffyverse hehe. Then those dudes split once the show got HuRGE and "the man" took over.

Yeah, I watch way too much tv too. :( Doesnt feel as dirty as the 'ol WoW days though, weird.