
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Eric, not only did I say Lost rocked, but I seem to recall one day when I was singing the praises of Heroes, this is how it went:

Me: Heroes is an amazing show. I think you'd really like it. It has a lot of elements that you seem to like.

You: I dunno... "Save the cheerleader, save the world." I'm not into it.

Me:*sigh* ...

Sometimes I know what I am talking about.

I actually think that Heroes is my new favorite show on TV. It has since taken the place of Lost, a show that I am kind of pissed at. It is one of those shows that strings you along and is pretty stingey with information. Heroes is good EVERY WEEK and it leaks new info at an acceptable rate. I could deal with Lost when I was watching the DVDs, because I could simply go on to the next episode. Now that I am watching it episode to episode, it's annoying. But I am hooked on it like crack and I can't stop watching.

Whatever though. Both shows are on hiatus until late January. I watch too much fucking TV.