
Monday, November 20, 2006

Savage Worlds

I am all hot to trot about this system right now. Haven't played an RPG in some 2 odd years until this weekend, but I am thinking ALOT about it right now! I am going to order a copy from ThoughtHammer soon enough, and have downloaded the 3.5 to SW conversion stuff as well as a bunch of other crap from Dragon's Landing (I think) and totally want to play/run a D&D/Savage Worlds conversion!

I mean, playing 50 Fathoms was fun, but I think the system really shines when played with people you like and are familiar with. Not to take anything away from Laurie, but she was kind of a stick in the mud, and I think SW is much more about thematics, mild wrecklessnes, and fun. Thatwhich our group excels at!

I had a blast playing it, and until something else even better comes along, it seems like the system for me in the future! CoC and WFRP will forever hold a place in my heart, but SW just seems playable and easy enough! Do it!

- I pre-ordered Battlelore w/ Hill Giant from the place you get all your Warmachine mini's for $57.00, so I am happy about that.

- In some strange twist of the Stockholm Syndrome, I WANT to hear Dave say "We can't stop, it's too dangerous! We have to slow down first!" and "BENDER is great! Bender is GREAT! Bender IS Great!"

- Thoughthammer is also apparently going to start carrying the mega-bundle for the Battlestations minis for something like $37, so hooray for me for overcoming my desire for an ill advised con purchase.

- I had no ill advised con purchases to lament afterward, which is nice. Except for the Brown Chicken Bowl.

- Sorry the plague had to strike Rudy, Denis and Art's family (Ryan is apparently ill as well) so none of you could make it, it was a good con. Not a great con, because to be a great con from this day forward, Tichu must be played. Still, a good con ;).