
Monday, November 20, 2006

Con Goodness

jr0n & Elzar: I could not be happier. That is sweet. Dave Defeat is viral.

Oh my lord am I tired today. Bigus Terdus. I didn't get to sleep until 11:30 last night. After the con ended at 4:00, I got sucked into having a drink at Patrick Malloy's with my sister on a totally empty stomach and lord knows how many caffeinated mints. Then I sat in the airport in a half delusional state until my flight left. I Didn't sleep 'til I got home.

By the Numbers...

Games Played (Excluding Shocker Roulette): 18
Hours spent on the final Warmachine game (Eight full rounds): 4.0
Number of times Savage World has ever been played by Aaron according to Aaron: 1
Caffeinated Mints consumed: 90
Monsters energy drinks downed: 12
Beers consumed: 15
Money spent by Dave at 3rd Planet on Sunday eve: $180
Hours of attendance: 74.5
Total hours slept by eNron/Dave: 12.0
Fingers shocks delivered (roughly): 20
Toes shocked: 1
Number of other appendage and bodily protrusion types suggested for shocking: 3
Trips to KKKarl's: 2
People Hot Karl'd: 0 (Unconfirmed)
Bowls of 'Teriyaki' Chikin™ nearly thrown up: 2
Degrees of flexibility of Steamed 'Fried' Eggrolls: 160°

Sup4r successful con. Lots of games, lots of fun and nearly no emo, aside from Dave incessant Quote Friction (Doesn't count since it is funny). I guess he was trained early on by the master of repetition himself, Jopa. It is a real bummer sickness struck at ranks. Pump, O rugs, and Rude all were missed.

I also did really enjoy RPGing as well.

Congrats Ja -eL. I will change your avatar when I have time. I am sure I can find something suitably representative.


"We Can't stop, It's too dangerous! We need to slow down!" - Major Asshole or Dave... Whatever.