
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Keep in mind that not only was I drunk last night, I was also bitter, and it was related to why I was drunk. <3

Anyways, set yer Tivo's to record next Monday's episode of the hit NBC show HEROES! Cuz I'ma be on it! Here's a screen cap from the preview - and they shot all kinds of closer shots than this crap, so maybe you'll get a chance to see my man-boobles up close!

Post Scrizzle: Nice fuckin drummin! I was always thinking they need to do a "Drum Hero" game. The bongo one was pretty fun on gamecube, but comeon - take a cue from Guitar Hero and make some cool drum set controller. OR with the Wii numchucks maybe have some sweet air drumming game. I think I saw on of the early Wii promo ads with a dooshbag pretending to play air drums. Oh, and there's already vids up of ppl playing 2-player GH2 and there looks like theres some cool surf kinda song that I cant WAIT to come play with you Eric! Lemme know when it's good to go and I will be there!