
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Convention Cup

So I was walking the whipper-snapper around Del Amo today and I came across some store called Special Memories, or some crap. They do trinket gifts and then engrave them, and I saw this sweet stainless steel tankard and thought what a cool thing to have for an ongoing Action Team Convention Tournament Trophy. We could name the cup, then whoever won the tournament that convention would get their name, the con name, and the year engraved. They would get the rights of the cup until the next con when they would have to bring it back for the next tourney!


One problem though, there is not a game that we could all agree on to have a tournament for I don't think. So, back to the drawing board I suppose.

I mean, I would LOVE for it to be an ASL cup, or even a Blood Bowl cup, but I digress....