
Monday, October 02, 2006

Global Warming my Ass

I disagree with that global warming bullshit. I am way too cold right now for that shit to be true. Besides I think that is a conspiracy. Stupid Eskimos like it cold, so they have been faking the measurements of the ice caps and zombified most of the North Pole scientists to be their own marionettes. They claim they are getting smaller and even made up their own satellite movie studio set much like the lunar landings. Truth is they want this planet colder. Fuggers! You know what they say, "Cheel!"

Family circus is the worst. Uggg. Marmaduke is bad, but Circus is teh blurst.

jr0n: I informed david that he is gh3y for playing Khabor. To drive home the point I salted his croissant with my new retaliatory scorched Earth tactic, a la Rome v. Carthage style. The technique is sweet and involves three toothpicks and a salt shaker. Then we both ate the croissant in celebration of Bender's fine cooking while declaring, "Uggg, that is the saltiest thing I have eaten and I once ate a heaping bowl of salt..." Oh shit this makes Elzar gh3y! Although Elzar doesn't like Vodka, so he isn't a pussy.

Elzar: I will send you cash money to send the terraineous maximus up to me. I would also like two AmPm hamburgers side by each. Can you let me know how much there is, volumetrically speaking of course? Also is their a particular section of the ASL rules that I should focus on, or just the whole 9 yards. The more I though about it, Bonapatite at Manga looks very interesting. Very different system that I don't think I have seen before.
