
Monday, October 02, 2006


As far as ASL goes, I would be thrilled if you just familiarized yourself with the rules is all. After years and years of being the guy that has the new game, and tries to explain it to everyone else, then play it, and then leave out some rules here and there that I am then lambasted for later, it would be nice if I could play a game with you that we both have a teetering grasp of the ruleset for, and we can both make mistakes and both correct each other. So, go for the whole 9 yards, but if you don't retain it all, no worries, after we play our 6th game of it over the weekend, we will have those rules down pat!

And BaM is truly an innovator among wargames, the system loosely borrows from other games, but doesn't really use any tried and true wargame standards, which is totally refreshing. Direct combat is really used as a last resort because the attacket tends to take more casualties (which makes sense assaulting defended positions), whereas flanking maneuvres solely benefit the attacker. The road movement is a bit tricky to grasp, but I think I have it down. I really wanna try and learn this one, it is so highly regarded by people that I seem to have similar gaming tastes with. So, if you feel a wild hair and want to D/L the rules and look them over (you can also get a map from BGG as a reference), that would be cool too, though I don't expect you to.

As far as Ghaydor goes, since I don't actively PLAY Khabor, I am immune from any gh4y calling, instead, I can sit back and call you all fagorts because you play games with faggy toy soldiers! You can ALL set sail for fagot!

Getting more and more excited every day for GenCon!

Heather and I played some of my new rugby game, Crash Tackle, and it is pretty fun! Feels like rugby, if you have ever watched it, and it is a total departure from Blood Bowl. The primary reason being you don't actually tackle on your turn, you are TACKLED on your turn, which doesn't end your turn, instead it is a common tactic for moving the ball because then both attacker and defender are down, and another attacker can then pick up the ball and run through the new gap. It's pretty chaotic, for sure, but by the end of our hour of playtime, I definately started seeing some strategies. I will bring it to GenCon and it will sit on the shelf for the duration.