
Monday, September 04, 2006

Thanks for the birthday wishes, the dinner bat, calling me a fuckers, etc. :)

We had a good time last night, going out and eating and drinking and stuff. I definitely should not have finished off the evening with that cheap sugary wine at 2 AM. That stuff has given me a fairly bad headache even though I drank tons and tons of water. Fortunately, I have recently acquired "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day," so I should be able to rapidly assess and work off any drinking brain damage.

Thanks for going out guys. Thanks a lot to you and Eyeball for the Thunderhead Enron, you shall regret it soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Further exclamation points cut out to save space.)

Oh: Myke, download and install this, it's the army builder program we were talking about. It also has a collection feature that allows you to track your stuff. There is also a button to calculate the value of your collection, which you do not want to push, if you value your sanity!