
Monday, September 04, 2006


I sent you the wiki info to the Gnarly-Hotep email. I am still struggling with making this thing do what I want.

- Strategicon: I have figured out just how I feel about it and why. Back in the day, the con was a great place to get new games, see new games, and get together to rock out with our cocks out. We played all weekend, goofed off, and generally had a good time being dorks, which was not that different from our day to day lives.

Now, when I visit the con it is less spectacular for a few reasons. First, I don't get to stay there for the duration, nor are all the boys present for a weekend of debauchery. I am usually there for a few hours at most, and get in maybe a game or two with Denis, or my lady. Also, finding brand new games at the con is fairly rare, and I am so well informed as to what is out there, for the most part due to BGG, that nothing is really all that exciting about the Dealer Room. Not to mention the Flea Bag market is a shadow if it's former self.

What is missing is the Spectacle and Event that has become Kublacon and GenCon. Not that I need a gala festival to enjoy cons, but it is the one or two times a year that the AT can get together and be like we were in HS and college, just older, fatter, and more crotchety.

So, I suppose bottom line is that the con is good, just not up to par with what I expect and demand from the few cons I am able to attend anymore. I think that was coherent, I dunno.

- I did pick up Superiority, for some reason. Not that I really have an opportunity to play Warmachine anymore, but still, for old tymes sake I picked it up. Looks pretty! The Butcher is all nommed out! What a nommer! He's so nom. Nom.

- Also picked up Clout, which is a cross between Pogs, Diskwars, Bocci Ball, and M:tG. Weird, but fun. I't a little on the cheap side, but it is put out by a Peter Adkinson run company, whatever that means to you. Denis and I played a few games. Fun with the basic sets, but it looked more fun with the customized sets I watched be played at the Clout Tourney at Strategicon. Whatev's.

- So, should Friday be the first day at the con? Denis is still not sure if, and when, he can go because he is already skipping out on work to buy Anime and Gadgets in Japan. Jon might not make it til Friday, so it may be Enron and I alone. Not so bad, but if no one wants to pay for the room during the time they are not there, I would rather stay home. Ideas?