
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Edit: What the FUCKERS? Aaron with the stealth blog post! I swear it wasn't there a second ago.. hmmmm.. heh..


Actually, the world is far from peak production of food. Many countries pay their agricultural sectors money to NOT grow/produce food product. I've heard conflicting information on biodiesel though. Some camps say it's the answer to everything, and others point at substitute pollution issues and the fact that products like ethanol are being pimped by the government only because of absolutely obscene campaign contributions.

I think it comes down to the same problem.. if *everyone* was demanding biofuels, then the price of biofuels and the scarcity/demand curve would be just as bad as it is for fossil fuels if not worse.

I think the only viable solution is the Rainbow-6 route. I kid! I kid! (sorta)


*waves to NSA handler*
