
Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Biodiesel is great except their is no real infrastructure for it. I mean the particulate matter is less enviromentally caustic, and I can actually drive behind it, unlike petroleum based diesel. Petroleum based diesel makes me dizzy and sick to my stomach.

All the people that hype it right now and say others should do it too, are not really looking at the bigger picture. Only so many of us can get free/uber-cheap fryer fat and other bio-oil byproducts from your local greasy restaurant. It is a very small supply market. It suffers an even more constricted fate as Ethanol, which is a total crock of pork barrel subsidies doomed to failure if we ever have a horrid year of corn yield. Not enough infrastructure and skyrocketing of prices. All this of course is pretext to me not having the means, desire or space to condition my own Biodiesel since a very miniscule number of "non-my garage" biodiesel fueling stations exist.

Maybe Hybrid/Biodiesel would be a great move in the future once the kinks are ironed out of both systems.
