
Sunday, April 23, 2006


Yeah, it's very far and few between anymore. My day is filled mostly with One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.. which is alright. I can watch Shrek, The Incredibles, Mulan (the current marathon watch-it-over-and-over pick'o the daughter) a dozen times on end, read the same books over and over and go look at all the animals in Petco however many times she wants to and it's all a lot of fun to see the world fresh through her eyes. I find the only "me" time I get is when she's asleep or after the entire household is asleep.. and I can make some decisions about what I want to do. The bummer is usually that those decisions revolve around deciding to sleep, eat, bathe or do school work and not which booze or game I'm going to binge on. I find myself existing on about 6-7 hours of sleep a night these days, with the occaisonal 1-2 hour daytime nap with Haylee, sometimes. That is, if I don't want to eat, bathe or get some school work done instead. Sigh.

But.. adult malted beverages are not often had these days. Not just because of baby, but because we're living under the in-laws' roof, and while I don't think they'd protest, I'd feel a bit weird shelving a sixer or a fifth of booze in the house when I know it so directly conflicts with their religious objections (however misplaced they may be). Tangent: I've always found it funny that a glass of wine is a severe no-no (or heaven forbid a Dr. Pepper), but it's plenty okay to stuff unlimited Twinkies or fried chicken gizzards down your gullet.. because those are healthy and take care of your bodily temple and all that.


Anyhow.. where was I. Adult beverage. Not too often anymore. About the only time I indulge beyond a single beer or glass of wine is if Michelle and I go out for an evening and I'm not the designated driver for the evening.. and that's like once every other month at most I think. LOL.


Right now, I'm busting ass hard on two animation projects for school. One is a 20-40 second 3d animated sequence with 5-10 cameras used and over 100 hours of labor. It's rediculous how much time it takes to create these things. Of course, a lot of my pain and suffering has to do with learning a completely new interface this semester and having a professor that thinks its more important to make his students feel inferior than it is to teach them how to do anything. My other animation project is in Flash (which I've never worked with before).. which is incredibly easier to do.. but the results are much less spectacular in terms of cinematic greatness. The assignment was to create an animation including stars and fish.. so of course I'm going to have the fish mangle and eat the stars. YARRRR!!! =)

Ok, back to working on my animation project. It's due wednesday and it takes me over an hour to render each single 10 second sequence, which I then need to take into video-post for editing and compilation. Brutal. Anyway. That way probably way more information that anyone wanted to read through. Sorry.


P.S. - Jael, I haven't forgotten about your Vitamins.. just haven't been able to come up for air in the last few weeks. I have been thinking about it though. Even if it's lame, I promise to get you something by next weekend. =)