
Sunday, April 23, 2006


As far as my experience with Cockassonne goes, which is numerous two player games, and the occasional 3 player, with various expansions added and removed, here is how we have played:

1) Little shit roads and cities are scored often, with the occasional longer road thrown in for good measure. This changes with the Road Bandit expansion, as well as the Inns & Cathedrals.

2) Big cities are fun, and lucrative. Often cities never really score more than 10 points, BUT if someone starts to build a larger city, then someone else tends to try and steal the thunder by building another city close by and attaching them. That's how the 30+ point cities happen. This of course changes with the King expansion, as well as the Princess and Dragon.

3) Farms are the name of the game, which is why I hated the first game, because Jr0n knew about that, and how to play and score farmers, and I didn't. So I went though the game thinking I was doing well, and then was crushed by the farmers. Anyway, usually the games are about cities and roads, with someone occasionally laying down a farmer early on with the hopes the board develops in their favor. Then as the game nears the end, it is all about farming, and connecting farms, and stealing other peoples farms. But really, the points are so high, farms rule the day. I have not played with the Pig expansion yet, nor the new 'Officail" German scoring which drops the value to 3pts a city rather than 4. Then the Pig boosts the cities to 4.

All in all, good times. Have not played the Builders and Traders expansion yet, but looking forward to it!

And as far as Envirochrist goes, I think it is a backlash against a Republican/Me-First government and policies that are destroying the earth faster than it can heal itself. Bad things are coming if we continue to consume at this pace, but whatever. Wylie and Haylee can deal with it, right? Give me Social Security!