
Friday, February 25, 2005


Errhick: That was some choice comedy. Jeebuz. We really do have a knack at naming our characters. Its funny but I can remember the story behind a lot of those names. I agree Warhammer Quest is really cool. Too bad we we get killed or maimed horribly everytime after a mission. It is such a buzzkill when you have to listen to your character lose everything he built up during the weeks of travel. It is really hard to level up, stay alive, and keep some treasure. Then you go in the second level dungeons and get torn up.

O: Yeah some times I get the nostalgic desire for the old days of war bands. That was some great shit. I still think Acosta riding Rich all game as he tore Rich's band up and then ate his wizard with a toad was the worst melt down. Mike had him so wound up he went in the bathroom and cried for an hour. Boy was he ever relentless. You know there were two other games that spawn afterwards with a warband like aura about it, but they never had the same feel. It was about more than the game I think it was the time and people too. Great stuff.

Fagnar: That photo is just rude. I cant scroll that frame fast enough to get it off the screen. Three cheers to dabauchery.


Thursday, February 24, 2005


"Accept Christ and get a Playstation 2!"

Winning Souls to Christ in The World of Warcraft

Pretty funny - gotta be satire but you never know!
Man, I miss Warhammer Warbands something fierce.

I never really got crazy into 40k, but the Fantasy Battle series was kickass, as was the pen/paper RPG shiz. Good times, indeed!

I still think that the rolling of Rich's uber-wizwar (the thrill of victory in Rich's eyes).. followed up by the agony of defeat when he rolled an equally as rare "pinhead" and "magic bridge" for said uber-wizwar was one of the craziest and most apocolyptic meltdowns of all time for our sad hero. (and pretty funny at that).
I Love Warhammer Quest

That being said, I think we need to play more of it. We need to have characters that hopefully survive from convention to convention and can grow to more than just a lvl 1 crapbag. After playing in SF I have had a small obsession with the game and have been reading the rules, trying to download the rules for the Warrior Packs (to no avail, anyone have them somewhere?) and we actually have the Troll Slayer, Wardancer, Elven Ranger and (*chuckle*) the Chaos Warrior, tracking down all the figures except the minotaurs, pulling out my Deathblow magazines I, II and III, and going through the box and looking at all the old characters we left in the box. Here are some of the character names we have used over the years, and I will leave out any real names to protect the innocent:

- Lord Giznad Deese Nüts
- Aelof the Elf
- Emosoy the Wizard
- Yosome the Wizard
- Yosome the Wizard II
- Julius Darbin
- Lillilof the Elf
- Geoff
- Veoff
- (blank)
- Gorni Gelnun
- Belgran the Bright
- Illithin the Elf
- Waclav Havel
- Bortz
- Partz
- Allison the Dwarf
- Sweet Tits the Barbarian
- Telnor
- Ragnar the Barbarian
- Wizard Barbarian
- Slave Dwarf Gonad IVth (Sex Dwarf)
- Dorf Goes Fishing
- Ass Rapier, Handler of Rope and Ernest Borgnine
- Ass Buckler
- MirCunt the Hun
- Dwarf Wid Bloo Ccuak Anhat
- Skankunt the Kunt Cunt the Cunt
- Slavel
- Utz the Bavarian II
- Wizass Oathbreaker
- Asself the Elf
- Sweetcakes the Dwarf
- Sventhor Biggifilinae
- Barkazor the Barbarian
- Wizass the Wizard
- F. Boots the Elf
- Fágnor the Dwarf
- Sorgum Head
- Boogalow
- Seludrian (written in large letters across this sheet are the words FUCK THIS GAME)
- Fluffy the Barbarian
- Monster Cunt
- Hyboryavich the Liche Bitch Whore The Bearded Clam
- Gimpor the Dwarf
- Boozenor Cunt-ageious-iclés

Good times, good times.
Bacterion! Brilliant.

Johnny! I'll login later today sometime, for duelling if nothing else.

Eric, check your email in, I dunno, an hour or so.

Edit: Sorry about that picture, that is rude. I'm leaving it, though.

I just got an email from an apparently long-lost relative, "Senates I. Petersen." He or she seems like a very cryptic type though: "Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends." I guess that's good advice, Senates. Oh, so you also want me to buy prescription drugs from you? Okay!

Here's a little somethin' awful for y'all:

and the legend continues....

Allodin, after spending a days time recovering over the wounds and venturing out in the deadly lands to gain further experience, has attained the mastery of 37th level. As he traveled through the land in search of retribution, he saw a sword. "Gutrender" blade as it is known, now sings a song to it's new master for guts... the guts of Borst!

And shall we duel again my old friend?


P.S oh good work Bacteri-ron, i think i'm getting sick. my throat hurts like a mo fo'. I hope i'm not coming down with anything. eating lots of vitamins and milk

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I love those hentai reviews.

Eric -- check your email.

Yesterday marked a new day in WoW -- me and Johnny's first duel! Pretty much since level 5 he's been talking smack about tearing up my gnome warlock. Here poor Borst is trying to cope with the loss of his friend Docnorvell and adjusting to his leadership role within the guild, spending most of his time bitterly staring into a mug at the Salty Sailor Inn in Booty Bay, and now he also has to contend with some punk long-hair paladin.

Well, finally something snapped in Borst. His heart went cold, and he'd had enough. He met this up-and-coming challenger in the camp of the dwarven explorer Nesingwary and fucking took him to school in a series of five or six matches. He shrank him, shot him with his death ray, and generally kept him running. After it was all over, he returned to his lonely seat at the Salty Sailor and resumed drinking, drinking the days away.

Seriously: those were fun matches man! You almost had me the one time. You'll be a much tougher challenge in two levels or so. And when you're with a level or two of me you will probably be beating me most of the time. That's the point at which paladins can heal themselves faster than most classes can dish damage out. 1v1 paladins can be pretty unstoppable.
Remember Somethingawful.com?

Referring to a hentai game called Battle Raper: Hyper Realaction:

"To say the game is unresponsive is like saying that a video of your grandmother giving a horse a rimjob is not the most erotic thing in the world."

So funny!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Here is a fiendishly addictive java game, if you're looking for that sort of thing.

My high score is around 24,000 on Hard level. For an hour after I play it my mind organizes everything I see into clumps of clickable objects!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Bortz F Bortz

For those with inquiring minds: I am going down to LA Wednesday night returning the following monday.

Elzar: Does Martin do the reading? If he does, maybe that is why he is so Hagard looking. 100 hours of reading books out loud and you'd look that way too. What is his voice like? One thing I dont like about the audio books, is that sometimes the voices really grate on my nerves.

I have a phrase: "Wonder Stomach"

It's the experience after taking a shit which combines two feelings:

1. The weird, almost slightly nauseated feeling of your stomach being totally empty, plus
2. A sense of astonishment that THAT MUCH poo can come out of you.

Anyway, here's a picture which will hopefully make up for the grub from the other day.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


- Also, I was looking to pick up Game of Thrones from iTunes, and it cost like $50. I thought, "okay, this is fair, I mean there is 37 hours of George R.R. Martin 13 year old vs. Drogo perv fantasy audiobook here, sounds like a good deal!" but just to be sure I went to Audible.com to see what they had to offer me. Make a long story short, I got all three books, and an MP3 player for $45 because I am a new Audible member! All I need to do now is cancel my membership once I have downloaded all the parts, and be done with it!

The only problem is that I cannot easily pirate this to others, it is going to require some effort. Audible downloads are in .aa format, and cannot be converted to .mp3, unless I burn the .aa to disk, which is possible, then rip it back to .mp3, which is also possible... of course the first of four parts to Game of Thrones took 7 CD's to burn, and the 3rd book had 6 parts, so I'm looking at close to 80 CD's to make it pirate ready! Or like 10 CD-RW's, dunno which is actually cheaper!

That is my story. Also, playing Memoir '44 with the N scale minis is lots of fun on the original board, Ryan and I can attest to.
Ja -eL Madness

So Ragnar and I go over the land of Fruity Pebbles, and find that a certain someone is hopelessly addicted to WoW. Dear god all Johnny could think about the first couple hours was WoW. Anyway once he got over being disconnected from WoW he decided to share a choice piece of pr0n on his computer. Turned out to be something almost worth witnessing. Halfway through the clip, I hear Jon say, "Wait, did that guy just cum on the other guys cock?". I was in the kitchen stirring the Risotto in the and had to find out what was up. We rewatched the clip and sure enough it was a little unintentional spear to spear action. Brilliant.

Elzar: That is really cool about the Strategicon. I hate to see a part of my past wither and die like it has been. I guess that is why I hated going back to it recently. It felt like an old friend was dying. Did you get a chance to check out the other Con that gets run at the same time? I am curious to see how that one is working out. I was really hoping the jack-azzes in the NHL would pull themselves together and drop their pride and realize the season was important for the fans, but alas they are fools. Judging by the way the talks ended on Saturday, I get the feeling the sides are going to be bitter and may not talk for a while. I dont think either the NHLPA or the Owners have really learned anything from this. Just one more shovel full of dirt on the grave that may be the NHLs. I have heard that storm was nutty. I haven't been through one like that since I was in Ohio many years back. I find those types of storms strangely exciting. Vague childhood memories and nostalgia I guess.

O: I still have "Joker" Tourettes from time to time. Aimey sometimes thinks I am crazy when I blurt "Joker" out on random. go JP.

Yet again I will be in LA for a few days. I need to make some changes to the book based on issues and what not that popped up in the proofing print. Ill give you a heads up when I will be down in LA again when I know for sure.


- You gotta group up johnny! It's the pathway to adventure and action! ACTION!

- Went by Strategicon today with Ryan for about an hour to check it all out and pick up some games. The health of the convention is definately improving. There were welcome banners, shirts to buy, a new season pass option, GenCon was there, the dealer room was full corner to corner, the miniatures room was bustling with ACTION, Shad was there in all his glory, the flea-bag market was full, there were lots more people than "normal", and best of all there was a group of black guys picking up all the D&D books in the dealer room! That excites me because for far too long the only black guy at the convention was the Black Nazi(TM).

- After the N scale Memoir '44 is complete, the next move for me is to start collection those kick ass pre-constructed an painted resin buildings and work on some skirmish level WWII 28mm stuff.... SO COOL!!!! Yeah, they are not cheap, but I figure if I get one or two a month, that is manageable, right?!?!.....

- Picked up War of the Ring and a game called Battlestations. We all know War of the Ring, and I have not opened it as of yet, and this other game recieved good reviews and seems prety fun, it looks like it plays like Warhammer Quest in space. There are players and a referee and each character plays a role on the ship (engineering, captain, medical, etc.) and the ref sends the players on missions to complete. So when the fit hits the shan, you have to run around the ship (tiles) to fix stuff, power the guns, shields, etc to complete the mission. I will bring it to Kubla, should be fun!

- We had a storm here 2 nights ago that more intense than any I have ever lived through with regard to thunder and lightning. The storm lasted most of the night, and there were lighting flashed than lit up the house at least every minute, sometimes every 30 sec, for about 2 hours. Not kidding. Then it would die down, then start up again. I couldn't sleep cause it was like having the lights turned on and off in our room and sounded like jets were crashing into the house as we lay in bed. Intense.

- Hockey is officially over for this season (and maybe next), so I am removing my license plate frame in protest, Aaron should to. DO IT!

- Looking forward to flying up to Washington to sit back in a car and drive 3 days back down again....:)

- Went to a "real" sushi place last night and had some fun. The Marstons were paying (Leslie's old boss) so I didn't even look at prices. It was the kind of place that prided itself on being able to off still moving cuts of sushi. Crazy. Also, we could have had the deadly puffer fish sushi that almost killed Homer Simpson, but didn't. I think I might go back, just to say I ate it! Overall, it was delicious and a cool place. The Hump at the Santa Monica Airport, anyone been there? There is also a restaurant below it that serves crickets, ants, worms, and frogs legs.... I'll save that til another day...

- Boner = lol

- Fat Optimus Prime = /cry
I always think of the time Batman punched the Joker into the applesauce...

Anytime I think of the Joker.. I always hear J.P.'s JOKER! in my head.