
Friday, February 25, 2005


Errhick: That was some choice comedy. Jeebuz. We really do have a knack at naming our characters. Its funny but I can remember the story behind a lot of those names. I agree Warhammer Quest is really cool. Too bad we we get killed or maimed horribly everytime after a mission. It is such a buzzkill when you have to listen to your character lose everything he built up during the weeks of travel. It is really hard to level up, stay alive, and keep some treasure. Then you go in the second level dungeons and get torn up.

O: Yeah some times I get the nostalgic desire for the old days of war bands. That was some great shit. I still think Acosta riding Rich all game as he tore Rich's band up and then ate his wizard with a toad was the worst melt down. Mike had him so wound up he went in the bathroom and cried for an hour. Boy was he ever relentless. You know there were two other games that spawn afterwards with a warband like aura about it, but they never had the same feel. It was about more than the game I think it was the time and people too. Great stuff.

Fagnar: That photo is just rude. I cant scroll that frame fast enough to get it off the screen. Three cheers to dabauchery.
