
Sunday, February 20, 2005


- You gotta group up johnny! It's the pathway to adventure and action! ACTION!

- Went by Strategicon today with Ryan for about an hour to check it all out and pick up some games. The health of the convention is definately improving. There were welcome banners, shirts to buy, a new season pass option, GenCon was there, the dealer room was full corner to corner, the miniatures room was bustling with ACTION, Shad was there in all his glory, the flea-bag market was full, there were lots more people than "normal", and best of all there was a group of black guys picking up all the D&D books in the dealer room! That excites me because for far too long the only black guy at the convention was the Black Nazi(TM).

- After the N scale Memoir '44 is complete, the next move for me is to start collection those kick ass pre-constructed an painted resin buildings and work on some skirmish level WWII 28mm stuff.... SO COOL!!!! Yeah, they are not cheap, but I figure if I get one or two a month, that is manageable, right?!?!.....

- Picked up War of the Ring and a game called Battlestations. We all know War of the Ring, and I have not opened it as of yet, and this other game recieved good reviews and seems prety fun, it looks like it plays like Warhammer Quest in space. There are players and a referee and each character plays a role on the ship (engineering, captain, medical, etc.) and the ref sends the players on missions to complete. So when the fit hits the shan, you have to run around the ship (tiles) to fix stuff, power the guns, shields, etc to complete the mission. I will bring it to Kubla, should be fun!

- We had a storm here 2 nights ago that more intense than any I have ever lived through with regard to thunder and lightning. The storm lasted most of the night, and there were lighting flashed than lit up the house at least every minute, sometimes every 30 sec, for about 2 hours. Not kidding. Then it would die down, then start up again. I couldn't sleep cause it was like having the lights turned on and off in our room and sounded like jets were crashing into the house as we lay in bed. Intense.

- Hockey is officially over for this season (and maybe next), so I am removing my license plate frame in protest, Aaron should to. DO IT!

- Looking forward to flying up to Washington to sit back in a car and drive 3 days back down again....:)

- Went to a "real" sushi place last night and had some fun. The Marstons were paying (Leslie's old boss) so I didn't even look at prices. It was the kind of place that prided itself on being able to off still moving cuts of sushi. Crazy. Also, we could have had the deadly puffer fish sushi that almost killed Homer Simpson, but didn't. I think I might go back, just to say I ate it! Overall, it was delicious and a cool place. The Hump at the Santa Monica Airport, anyone been there? There is also a restaurant below it that serves crickets, ants, worms, and frogs legs.... I'll save that til another day...

- Boner = lol

- Fat Optimus Prime = /cry