
Thursday, September 22, 2005

RPG's, Kubla Con and Beyond!!!

- It just dawned on me that I am probably not going to make it to Kubla this year, unless of course it's cool to travel with a two month old baby. Though, I'm pretty sure it isn't so, I think I'm going to be skipping this years SF festivities. Just to let you guys know like 8 months in advance. However, each and every year after that, me and little bugger will be attending!

- RPG's at GenCon. I want to play something, and I kinda want to run something too. I'm going to ask for opinions and preferences from ya'll attending, and will then either make my decision based on some, all, or none of the input.

For some reason, D&D seems really fun right now! I picked up Monte Cooks other new players handbook, as well as the DMG II. Both look neat. Also, WFRP is always in the mix as well as good ole Call of Cthulhu. Infact, I found the game journal from Beyond the Mountains of Madness, but no character sheets. So, maybe the Starkweather - Moore expedition will continue! Alexander Smoxacoc sails again!

I'm not really skilled, or experienced running D&D, but it might be fun to do a dungeon crawl of death. Tomb of Horrors anyone?

Ideas? Opinions?