
Thursday, September 22, 2005

My thoughts on some shit

1. GenCon: Hooray! Yes, we must roleplay again. I think we should plan on playing twice or even three times. It would be neat to play something that we can finish. I am already haunted by memories of horses never recovered, adventurers stranded in Limbo, nightmare-plagued gentlemen setting off on steamship voyages with no resolution, Skaven never slain, Marvel Super Heroes who have fought no crime, and Top Secret S.I. agents who still remain behind at headquarters, waiting endlessly for an assignment that will never, ever come.

2. I am in the same boat as you Eric in terms of wanting to play and wanting to run. I guess realistically we might not have time for a tag-team RPG experience, but maybe we will! I'll plan a quickie Savage Worlds adventure or something. Something weird like a SW Deadlands or 50 Fathoms pirate fest or something. (SW is the only system I am still very familiar with, and the only one I plan on buying any more supplements for -- I'm just getting stubborn as I get older.) Or maybe I will run that exact same Chill adventure Rudy ran years ago. Oh, man. I sort of want to do that now.

3. D&D is fun, yeah. Does the Monte Cook alternate shit look good? You're talking about the martial campaign book?

Oh yeah. Thanks for the painting tips and the morale boost Eric. I tried washing my Ironclad last night, but the mix proved surprisingly tricky to get right. Basically I managed to murk up the base coat, without actually getting very much of the wash into the cracks. So now he looks like he has to go through the Cygnaran Jackwash. I'll try again in the next day or two and see if I can't improve matters somewhat!