
Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hmm, a game about picking up chicks

Well, I checked out the game Jon, but I didn't have the patience to build up my chat/strength etc enough to even get one to talk to me. (Maybe it was that attitude that resulted in my early dating failures!) Strange, and I can see how you could waste a lot of time on it - not that I've had a lot of time to waste... ever really. So the news of the moment is that Aeryk convinced to me to come to Kublacon! Actually, I was hoping something of the sort was planned, but now I'll just have to make sure I'm prepared in advance for the next week's lectures and away we go! Should be a blast - can't believe how long it has been since I've been to a con - seems like a lifetime ago really. Ok, that's all the news, I'm back to work again, and No Enron - there was no pee involved in the first lecture. Actually, yesterday's went really well.

My new favourite name (given to me by a student email yesterday):

Professor Michael