
Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Doom 3 Boardgame Is Really Fun

I gave it a shot tonight at my Wednesday Board Game Night. Eye-gouging pieces aside, it's great. (And the pieces looked less eye-gouging, for some reason. Moodier lighting, perhaps.) The rules aren't really that much like Space Hulk, but the gameplay has a very similar feel -- small group of jarks with limited resources against unlimited foes, etc.. But the cards and variety of marine abilities add a lot to switch up the game (each marine gets 2 random special abilities -- I was tough and fast as a mofo). Generally, the bad guy player has more mean tricks to screw over the marines, but also the marines are a lot tougher than in Space Hulk -- you have armor and hit points. Also since it's Doom you can "respawn" which makes the threat of dying a little less intense, although the bad guy scores points for killing marines so it's still something to avoid.

Great game. If I have money by the time KublaCon rolls around I'll definitely pick it up.