
Saturday, October 23, 2004

Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you could help me with something. I lost my phone about a month ago and I am trying to replace it as cheaply as I can. The phone I am looking for is a Motorola v400 and I have a Cingular Sim Card. Everywhere I look online, I can get a cheap phone, but they want to give me plan and I already have a plan. Is there anywhere you guys know of to get cheap phones besides e-bay? Johnny? It can be refurbished, it doesn't matter.

I have a temporary replacement, but it sucks ass. Help, if you can. Plz thx.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Phone I'd Like

Any of yous guys ever mess with the celly called teh Sidekick II? sideKICK!

It sounds pretty sweet - full on html web-surfing, full keyboard, and decent email/chatting capabilities. Even though the kick-ass rebate makes it like $30 bucks with activation, I don't have the almost $200 you need to initially get it. But fuck, it looks pretty rad! Eventually I'd like something like this - the fux0rz at work took away everyone's web-access, so I want to be able to be completely bored with my email and internets while I'm on the go!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

This is awesome:


They misnamed the war on terror. :)

Hey Eric (and Future Rudy)... if you like the idea of playing around/expanding Heroscape, check out this site. Also, someone whipped up a scenario editor that's a lot of fun to play around with: cheggidout!
Whoa.. check this craaaaazy video out..


(Seriously, I'm not kidding)


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Open RPG is not bettar

Open RPG is not a videogame by any stretch of the imagination, so in that regard, I guess it is comparing apples and oranges. What it is, is a way to play paper and pencil RPG's over the information super highway. Basically it is a tricked out chat room with lots of cool features. Interactive maps, super-chat functions, etc. So really, it's great to play RPG's, but it is not a videogame.

So let's stick to the NWN and I won't even bother fiddling about with the OpenRPG anymore, save me a lot of work!
Oh man, that NWN toolset was annoying.

I couldn't ever get OpenRPG to work correctly, either. The trick seemed to be that some sort of command-line shit had to be done that was not clear to me, since I have no grasp of Unix. It seems that the new OS clears up some of these Python problems, so I was hoping once I got around to getting my new computer it would help (that'll be in 2d100 - 8 days)

That said, I really like playing NWN... I'd rather keep playing that for a while than jump to something else already.
NWN Mac tools not OpenRPG?

I did an archive search to see if I could help and find some answers to your specific OpenRPG + Python problems and try to help, and all I found were your grips about the NWN DM Toolkit that was fan created and had no documentation and you had to install a bagillion Python libraries and couldn't. I didn't find any OpenRPG gripes. Are there any or were you thinking about NWN?

Trying to help and get this figured out!

There seems to be Python releases for both Jaguar and Panther as well as OS 9, so that's good. Check this site for info.

Lets get this fired up!
Open RPG

I almost have a 100% grasp on how to use this awesome tool, and it has some really sweet potential!

All I need is someone, or a few of you to install it, and meet me in a game room sometime so we can make characters, go through a few bits of how to stuff, and then play in a mini game!

I think this has the potential of NWN and more, in a different sort of way.

Please please please please Jon try and get it to work, and anyone else do the same!

Go to OpenRPG, download Python and wxPython, install them. Then download OpenRPG and install it. If you are running a Mac go to the special notes site regarding wxPython and see if that helps, then call me and we can organize a game!

I am currently converting The Forge of Fury for use with the game, and it is a bit time consuming at first until I figure out all the tricks and stuff, but I am looking forward to trying this out!

Do it!

Marble Madness!

As for timing on Sunday, late night is far superior for me than mid-day as well. I tend to get family/honey-do's out of the way during the day, and I tend to watch a lot of National Fooseball League in the 10am-4pm time slot. If our DM is taking a vitamin-P leave of absynth this weekend, perhaps we aught to consider some kind of scripted module instead as a temporary stand in?

Good news it's the Texas Book Suppository!

Well work still sucks, however I did find my camera. Stupid me put it under my seat of the passenger side of my car. I still dont remember doing that. Wierd.

I know you guys are probably sick and tired of me plugging Mozilla Firefox. But.. Besides being almost entirely immune to spyware attacks and generally more secure than IE. It also has a great third party plugin community. The last annoying thing I have been dealing with for a while is Flash ads. Fuggin' ads drive me nuts. I mean static ads are fine but flash is just over glorified animated gifs. Anyway someone wrote a blocker that puts a little flash icon where a flash applet would normally run. if you roll-over the icon it will change to a play icon. If you click on the play icon you can view them if you want to. There are a grip of other really useful pluggins on the mozilla pluggin site. Three cheers for open source and community development. Firefox rules.

Playing NWN mid-day would usually be difficult for me. The day on saturday is errends and other non-home time events. I think the eve is still the best time on Sundays. All this coming from the guy who still cant get NWN to run on his machine. Ill shut up now.

"Your Momma" -Bender-
I remember Jon warning about no nwn this weekend - keep us posted in case something changes last minute - my sundays aren't usually planned for shit anyways. Jael - get a mic this week! Go to your local Frys-type of store and get something for the next time we play.

That Dungeon Majesty shit was weird - they're showing the first 3 episodes at some theater tomorrow out here in LA! $5 bucks and you get "lots of ale" too!

Blessed Rain

It's pouring in fremont which is a good thing. We had a long dry spell this year. But anyhow, Jon you suck! NWN was all that you imagined and more and already you've forsaken the cause. Fight the power.

No seriously, we should make this a nacho-sunday gaming deal, like we used to play DND every sunday. Except now we can all gather online, and it only takes a few virtual hours. We got more done in 4 hours than we ever did in a sitting of live DND... EVAR.

I suggest we play during the daytime, like around 10-2 or something, so people can do their "family time stuff" at in the afternoon and night, which makes more sense to me. and pleez, no bullshit excuses unless you have a really really valid one.

Anyhow, I'm off to bed. Michael Motorbike class tomorrow at 600am

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

By the way, I probably won't be able to do NWN this Sunday. My girlfriend's coming up, and I haven't seen her in a few weeks, so I don't know, she might want to go out to dinner or hold hands or some bullshit. WTF? When I boarded this "relation ship" I didn't know about all this extra stuff.

Fuck it, I'm the man here, I call the shots! I'm going to talk to her right now.

Edit: I just talked to her. I don't call the shots.
Great video, Jon. The last girl who blesses everyone is kinda hot.

One thing I don't understand, why is the guy who is leading the girls wearing a Depeche Mode shirt? Why?
Dungeon Majesty!

You guys have to watch this video. Cable access D&D!
I like the part where...

Go go gadget windows. Well in the past week XP has been delivering me the gift of occasional lockups. Something I have never had issues with before. Anyway after installing NWN, I get DLL reference errors when I run it. It bombs out after the opening sequence of storyline movies. I think I need to reinstall XP. Suck. I guess it has been about 2 years on this partition. Long story short I dont know when I am going to get that done. SO for the mean time no NWN for me. Booooo...

In other news, I may have lost my digital camera. Yeeha. I have been looking for it for a couple days. I think I may have lost it on Saturday. While I am at it, I might as way gripe some more... I hate my job. F'ed hours, inconsistent times, a lot of last minute changes, shit for pay. To top it all off there is no central knowledge base. This is a real liability when you get in trouble for something not on paper anywhere and which has never been told to you by anyone. You know I understand getting yelled at for some thing I did wrong that I should know better, but for things I was never told about. That's jacked. I hate getting yelled at. I think the worst part is I have been training a few guys at work over the past couple of weeks and I am pretty sure they get paid more than me. Add to that fact that they are not very good and always need help while the first round of trainees that I was in did not. Three cheers for the shaft.

Anyway I need to get back to my mid-morning job hunting.


"That's it, I'm gonna to deliver a gift of my boot up Santa's Chimney! Where is he?" -Phillip J. Fry
Man, I'd give a testicle to be there with y'all..

But at best, I'd give about a 30-40% confidence rating that I could make it this year. I am making a trip down to Vegas for the holidays, and that would be about the only time I could envision taking an extra couple of days to get down to the Con, but it's so early in the month that I don't think there's any easy way to make that tenable in terms of time off of work and perhaps more importantly, lack of fundage. December will mark the third month with no income from the wifey and a dwindling reserve of cashola until she goes back to work in January and Haylee gets into daycare (yay, at $600-700 a month!).


I'll think on it a bit more and see if I can mastermind some way to make it work.. but at best, just lightly pencil me in at this point as a definate maaaaybe.

On a happier note, it sounds like we might even have Enron on board for this weekend?

I hope so, and I hope I can make it too! Weeeeeeeeee!


Pre-reging only saves $5 bucks? That's cool - Ya, i'll definately go for maybe 2 days - 2 of the peeps from Firefly are gonna be there (Mal and Janye) so I gotta go for those days fer sure.

Daily Show is SO good. He talked about the Crossfire shit a little - funny stuff!

Monday, October 18, 2004

I am in

SoCal GenCon is a go for me. Come hell or high water, rich or poor, I'll be there. In other news I finally got NWN out of the front dek at my apartment complex. I will install it tonight or tomarrow. Ill try and brush up on my NWN skillz. The maybe Ill get to play with youz guyz this weekend.

Three cheers to the fine narrative on the 10th level or bust campaign. Too bad we busted. Boooo...

"I learnsed a lesson about not ogling cans that I won't soons forgets"

True Dungeon People

Okay, so the pre-reg is up and ready to go, now I guess we need to get down to brass tacks and get a sound off for everyone that will actually be attending GenConSoCal.

I am in, I am fairly certain Enron will be in. Outside of that, I have no idea about anyone's intentions.

So, how about it Rudy, Mike, Johnny, Denis and Art? Who's going to GenCon! Dec 2 - 5th!!!!

We need to get into the True Dungeon again and Mike needs to bring our wooden item disks!
Hey Myke! It's amazing how after some time has gone by you can look back on something you've written and say, "How did I produce such shit?" That's a valuable part of the editing process, though.

Yeah, we played NWN last night--I was DM and Johnny, Eric, and Rudy were the dauntless adventurers. I had a lot of fun! OK, the part where I had my talk mode set incorrectly, and for 15 minutes was typing things like "PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE READY TO START!" while the guys couldn't heard anything I said, that wasn't so great. D'ohhh! The rest was fun though.

Probably the funniest part was when Johnny, aka "Da Freeze" went rummaging through the lady smith's belongings and got yelled at, then Eric (aka "Batma N'Theride") calmed her down, then Johnny made her angry all over again. I was cracking up! Startlingly reminscent of a real D&D session, too.

I definitely want to try again! Thanks, Lous!

D&D Summary

I can't believe that at one time I had all of that stuff in my head. It's incredible how much you can keep in there, and what you can forget once you purge it from memory.

I wrote that after we took an extended break. We actually played two more adventures after that, I think. One of them was an aborted half-session at a convention or something, you only got to the first fight (a bunch of guys in a market), it sucked. Then your asses forget everything and woke up back on the ship with some stuff at the start of the next adventure.

That one was in a weird tower called Demonclaw. That was the one where at one point this entire tribe of kobolds entered the tower and you slaughtered tons of them including women & children. Then you jumped through a gate to somewhere called Nightsea. That's where we stopped.

That was a fun campaign.

Bonus post!

OK, for Eric (and I guess, Rudy soon): here's how to get everything back in the Heroscape box, courtesy of rpg.net:

1. Toss the white tray.
2. Start layering in terrain. But instead of building it all the way across, build it the width of two of the large pieces when nested--that'll be about 2/3 the box width. Put groups of water tiles underneath the large pieces. You can fit 4 or 5 unit cards under each 7-hex piece. Anyway, just build up a brick like that--you'll get almost to the top of the box. I also put the glyph tiles underneath loose bits.
3. Now you have tons of space on the right side. So you can put in Mimring (teh darg0on) and then drop everything else in around her. Booyah! You're done.
The Story So Far

Here is the recap of the "D&D 10th level or bust" campaign that Jon gave everyone, I assume as the campaign ended with Mikes departure. Here is a link to it.

Also, can we read your Academic Magnum Opus Myke? Can you email it? Is it going to be published once you graduate? WTF?
Hey Myke! It's amazing how after some time has gone by you can look back on something you've written and say, "How did I produce such shit?" That's a valuable part of the editing process, though.

Yeah, we played NWN last night--I was DM and Johnny, Eric, and Rudy were the dauntless adventurers. I had a lot of fun! OK, the part where I had my chat mode set wrong, and for 15 minutes was typing things like "PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE READY TO START!" while you guys couldn't heard anything I said, that wasn't so great. D'ohhh! The rest was fun though.

I definitely want to try again!

Probably the funniest part was when Johnny, aka "Da Freeze" went rummaging through the lady smith's belongings and got yelled at, then Eric (aka "Batma N'Theride") calmed her down, then Johnny made her angry all over again. I was cracking up! Startlingly reminscent of a real D&D session, too.

Thanks, Lous!
I like the part where...

Doooooh! I hate reading my own written stuff - why do I write such crap? Anyway, nearly got Chapters 4 and 5 ready for the supervisor to read over. Managed to catch a cold this weekend (why do I imagine you guys aren't surprised?) and now I'm just reading reading and more reading. GREAT!

Got to say, I didn't even understand the last batch of blogs, was it to do with NWN or something?

Jon - good luck man, I know how much it sucks looking for a place. Just don't get on the heroin, ok? It's bad for you.

Ok, that was my break, now back to it...


Sunday, October 17, 2004

as far as i can tell from reading around the internets, rw mac won't work with the newer versions of rw pc - so, there's a lot of people using an older ver of rw - you can get it here:http://www.homepages.mcb.net/bones/04fs/MP/Roger%20Wilco.htm

have yet to try it with jon - yay for VOIP problems (or whatever it was jon had said)

ALSO: what levels are we making for guys?
Roger Wilcan't

Okay, so after you DL the small program, go to the "channel" tab, then go to "join". The server will not be on the list to my knowledge, so manually enter:


Then enter this password: actionjackson

No idea if this works or not.... will try and DL Brambleass...
OK everyone, let's try a simple module, "Bramblewood Keep," for our first moderated game. Go ahead and download this:

click here

All you need to do is unzip it and move the file "BT1(DMO).mod" into your modules folder. Everything else is basically the DM's guide to running the game, so you can delete it unless you want to cheat and read the module.

I'll need about 15-20 minutes' prep time, so hopefully we can get the server up by 7:45 or so. I guess I can prep while everyone is making their character.

Yeehaw, D&D!