
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Man, I'd give a testicle to be there with y'all..

But at best, I'd give about a 30-40% confidence rating that I could make it this year. I am making a trip down to Vegas for the holidays, and that would be about the only time I could envision taking an extra couple of days to get down to the Con, but it's so early in the month that I don't think there's any easy way to make that tenable in terms of time off of work and perhaps more importantly, lack of fundage. December will mark the third month with no income from the wifey and a dwindling reserve of cashola until she goes back to work in January and Haylee gets into daycare (yay, at $600-700 a month!).


I'll think on it a bit more and see if I can mastermind some way to make it work.. but at best, just lightly pencil me in at this point as a definate maaaaybe.

On a happier note, it sounds like we might even have Enron on board for this weekend?

I hope so, and I hope I can make it too! Weeeeeeeeee!

