
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Good news it's the Texas Book Suppository!

Well work still sucks, however I did find my camera. Stupid me put it under my seat of the passenger side of my car. I still dont remember doing that. Wierd.

I know you guys are probably sick and tired of me plugging Mozilla Firefox. But.. Besides being almost entirely immune to spyware attacks and generally more secure than IE. It also has a great third party plugin community. The last annoying thing I have been dealing with for a while is Flash ads. Fuggin' ads drive me nuts. I mean static ads are fine but flash is just over glorified animated gifs. Anyway someone wrote a blocker that puts a little flash icon where a flash applet would normally run. if you roll-over the icon it will change to a play icon. If you click on the play icon you can view them if you want to. There are a grip of other really useful pluggins on the mozilla pluggin site. Three cheers for open source and community development. Firefox rules.

Playing NWN mid-day would usually be difficult for me. The day on saturday is errends and other non-home time events. I think the eve is still the best time on Sundays. All this coming from the guy who still cant get NWN to run on his machine. Ill shut up now.

"Your Momma" -Bender-