
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Hmm, I'll have to try some of those. I loooove Cheerios, not so much constant diarrhea shitting.

I tried an ostrich burger once, but it tasted a little off--basically, it tasted exactly like one of those burgers that you get frozen, 25 to a bag. Gamey, almost--I'll have to try it again.

Good news, everybody! I've added a few products to the Ragnar store! Now you can buy items emblazoned with the handsome mug of your favorite AT member! There might be a special guest appearance, too!
Re: Milk

I've tried several different non-cow milks and have settled on two that I (we) like. 8th Continent Vanilla is a good commercially available product that is not bad at all. Might take a few bowls of cereal to get used to it.. but in the end, it's cold, it's wet and it does what it is supposed to.. make the cereal not like eating gravel or dust. Heh..

I also like several of the rice-milk products out there but they're a bit expensive in comparison. We usually buy 3-4 bottles of the 8th continent stuff which are about 1/2 gallon apiece on sale and they run about $3.00 or so I think. So, it's more expensive than cow-milk but only because it isn't quite as mass produced. The upside is, no gas/diahhrea and/or indigestion, though. That's a solid benefit.

Also, if you've got a hankering for some red meat but don't want the heavy after-feel of beef, try your local farmer's market out and see if there are any ostrich vendors for some fresh ostrich filet. Just as tender as beef filet, and very tasty but with about 1/3 of the calories and a tenth of the fat. Again, a little expensive, but not that much more than you'd expect to pay for a good beef steak, either. More than rib-steak and less than filet, probably. Maybe around $10 a pound or so?

Anyway.. that's probably more than you wanted to know. LOL..



(PS.. new server is kicking ass!)

1000 pounds? Ouch! At least that shit didn't fall on you! There's nothing worse than being simultaneously crushed and burned by a hot stove.

This morning I ate a couple big bowls of cereal after about two weeks without eating much dairy. Ohhhh, maximum stomach turmoil. It seems that my body is becoming much more lactose-intolerant as my life energy devolves towards entropy. I agree with Art's baby-making class: humans aren't meant to eat that stuff!

Here's my new numb-r for you all: free won oh, nein fiver won, fiver too seventhheaven too.

Friday, August 27, 2004

I just accidentally put my middle finger on a really hot fucking stove...

OUUUUUCCH!!! frick. And there's no pun on the stove part. A hot 1000 pound GE stove. shit.

Yay! Were famous! It's scary because we are starting to LOOK like aged gamers. If luck is with us, we won't smell like em anytime soon.

Want to buy a house?

Check out the third picture down... HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Edit: Geez.. that didn't last long. Basically, it was a picture of the interior of the home in a real-estate advertisement, but if you looked out the living room window on this one picture you could see a pair of dogs humping in the yard a little ways out. LOL!


Funny That

I am going to see the Cure at SBC Park tomarrow night. Have a good time.


EDIT: Damn the Lunar Pages Blog Publish is so much faster. Wow! A bout a third less Ping time. They have much snappier servers.
Rolling out to Lunarpages

There will be some problems with the blog as I transfer DNS information to the Lunarpages name server from Nexpoint. Hopefully the transfer will be quick, and there won't be too many hiccups.

BTW I'm going to see The Cure tonight at the Home Depot Center. Rule! Seriously Art, "I'm going to see the Cure"... heh heh heh...
Thoughts on hairy nipples:

On religion: I agree with what you're saying to a large degree. I believe that works, not faith alone, must govern righteousness and/or ascendance. On the whole time-continuum thing, I actually subscribe to a bit of a more horizontal theory anyway.. that there exist infinite timelines for each of us based on our potential decisions (which are also infinite). Something similar perhaps to Richard Bach, if you've ever read "One" or "Bridge Across Forever". Off topic: As a piece of writing, I greatly prefer Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Bach and re-read that short one at least once a year.

On game-cons: You guys are famous goons! Heh.. that's great stuff there.

On Strongbad: Always hilarious

On Photoshop Phriday: Not the best ever, but worth a 5 second look-see www.somethingawful.com

On baby: 30 days and counting. Wow.

On Poker: After my first week of playing online for real mon-ay, was winning consistently and decided to move up to the next money-level. Big mistake. A couple of really horrendous river-suck-outs by my opponents and I was down below my original starting point at an alarmingly fast rate. Painful lesson learned there.. will stick to my lower-limits game and earn a much larger bankroll before moving up again. Ouchie.
Gamer Nerds!

Wow, two immortalizations of theActionTeam in one year. Were on a roll. Given the attendance of GenCon SOCal, there is a 1 in 3 chance we will be in that one too. Well maybe not. That was a random find, how did you run across that one? God we are those guys. You know the ones we used to make fun of and give names.

In other news, Elric, this should interest you. The new game CounterStrike: Source, based on the Half Life 2 Steam Engine, is out as a one level Beta. Mostly a show piece of technology at this point though. Probably many months from going Gold.

Rude: I saw Shaolin Soccer. I thought it was pretty good but it kinda dragged on after a while and got a little too over the top. I never got to into Hong Kong cinema, so I probably didnt get a lot of the references.

I have been reading like a mad fool lately. I just finished Ghost Soldiers, a true story about the Army Ranger rescue of POWs left from the Bataan Death March in the Phillipines. I liked it a lot. Some of it was tough to read from an emotional stand point (It delves into great detail about the march and the POW treatment by the Japanese captors). Very good research and quite enjoyable though. I also just finished The Dark Fields. I really liked that book. A fictional piece about a pharmacutical that has the ability to make people's minds function at an efficiency many times normal. Everything starts out great with the main character, but then things start to go terribly wrong. One of those books you just can not put down. I recommend both.


Hey everyone Happy 2 year Anniversary for Theactionteam Site! Hooray for Zoidberg!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

First Strategicon, now Kublacon!

Look on in horror as the Russians are destroyed by the advancing Germans as their leaders Johnnyov and Ericov stare on in bewilderment as they have no idea what this kind of warfare is about. They thought they knew the rules of war, but apparently there were rules that were changed, some rules left out, etc...

We're famous again!

Also, this was pee in my pants funny tonight.

And here.

Crap, there is just so much funny tonight.
The Office

Watching "The Office" right now - this shit is SO funny. BBC show about an office - documentary style. The main guy is JUST like one of my supervisors. It's very *uncomfortable* but that's what makes it so good.

My other 2 netflix movies I got out: Shaolin Soccer and another Six Feet Under disc.

What I wanna read: The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group (amazon link) Looks pretty interesting... anyone checked it out yet?

What I'm reading now is Goblet of Fire and Breakfast of Champions. Rock on...

i think art and I are pretty harmless...

I certainly wasn't trying to change his point of view. I think he was just stating how he felt and I was stating how I felt. I hope no one took it as trying to convince people... *hmmmm* Sorry if it sounded like it.

*Continuing the intellectual discussion* - whoevers not interested don't read....
I think that's a valid point, said religions do try to *save* their own believers, but I guess, in a sense, only those who repents gets saved right? Not really favoritism. If a person doesn't believe in something, then he can't be saved because 1) that person probably doesn't care, (at least for said institution) and 2) it wouldn't matter to him. This is a very contradictory issue, and I have trouble with it as well. I tried participating in Christian church, but they keep trying to convert me. If I believe in the same God (catholicism) why am I not saved? I think it goes back to what I said above... where it's the belief of said institutions and abiding by their rules. (unfortunately I think it's more man-made and interpreted)

Well, the bible emphasizes choice, because you can do deeds against gods will. If He sets everyone's fate, why then can one stray from it? So I don't believe that our fate's set. We all have potential and gods given gift/talent, but how we use it is still up to ourselves.
I think being saved is eventual, a summary of everything we did and have done.

Some notes on religion and politics

- There is never going to be a conversation held on this blog that will change anyone's thinking one way or another with regards to religion and/or politics and I think we should stay away from both topics. These discussions always end the same no matter who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening or which forum we choose to host our discussion.

That being said, I say fhughettaboutit!

- Jon has had a cell phone for how long now, and yet we still don't have his number? Jerk.

- Denis and I bought RC tanks at Third Planet that shoot and damage each other this past weekend. Denis' tank had a faulty motor and I emailed the company and they are sending a replacement! Hooray for customer service, and moreso hooray for RC tanks that shoot and damage each other!

- The Worlds Largest Dungeon by AEG is available the 30th of this month. It costs $100, is 900 pages long, and AEG sold 3/4 of a TON of it at GenCon. I propose that I purchase it, and that be our RPG for cons from here on out. There will be no major storyline just small plots here and there, and we can shelve it between conventions, but we can also bust it out and nerd it up like the old days when we all need the RPG fix that most of us don't get weekly anymore. Sound good? Good! I'm in!
But to me, the whole "answered prayers" thing reeks of favoritism and superiority issues.. if there are two kids in ICU, God will point his finger at one and save him because he was more righteous, more deserving or that more people prayed for him than the other kid?

Dunno. That seems a bit of an arbitrary and convenient/superstitious thing to buy into.

Moreover, if God has a plan for us, it doesn't much matter what decisions we make along the way, because.. well.. we're going to be following the plan anyway, aren't we?

As to sitting on one's ass and being saved regardless, there's more than one religious organization that, while not saying as much verbatum, certainly says all you need is to believe in God/Jesus to be saved. They don't care if you've been a chainsaw murderer as long as you 'repent' and accept God/Jesus in the end. A bit odd, that.

*thinks some more*

Abum.com rocks...

Art: I may be shooting smoke but, Nah I don't agree. In addition to God's infinite knowledge he also assumedly has the power to change. Hence I guess the prayers, because you hope that He acknowledges your problems/ sins and will help you through it or forgive your trespasses... I don't think we're fated. That's why we still strive and struggle. Otherwise, we might as well be good and sit on our asses and pray for everything we want.

Anyhow, back on to the abum.com topic. That site rocks. There was a link yesterday to free porno and live cams. It's definitely intriguing at first, but of course it's rather degrading.

Anyone read the lawsuits stuff posted on somethingawful.com? Fucking hilarious. That guy has balls of steel.

So, there I was, chasing the platypus with a bucket of oatmeal..

Philosophical/logical interior monologue:

Ok, party "A" says his family member is in the hospital, seriously ill/injured.

Party "B" says, we will keep them in our prayers.

Praying generally means that one believes in God.

People that believe in God believe that He is all knowing and all powerful.

If something/someone is all knowing and all powerful, then they know everything that has ever happened, is happening or WILL happen in the future.

That being so, this raises a few questions.. 1) If the outcome is already known, what will praying about it do? You cannot change that which is already a known event in time. 2) If everything we do or think is known ahead of time by someone or something, then all of our actions are already pre-determined (otherwise, how could they know what was to be?)

Conclusion: That kind of puts a big-ass stick in the spokes of free will and whatnot.

Secondary Conclusion: Either God is not all-knowing and all-powerful, or we have no ability to steer our own course. Everying is fated. The process of decision making is illusionary.

*thinks some more*

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Fundamental Flaw.

Obviously your theorem is fallacious. I mean Eric = Awesome is not congruent. Part of, to quote another actionteam member, "the Mongoloid theorem". It is interesting how people you never knew and may never know somehow have you as a kernel of knowledge. Taking up space in the preciously limited memory of the brain. Its like having one to many TSRs in your UMB of DOS... Clutter. And if you know all those acronyms, you are a nErd and thus, cool in my mind. So what does that mean. Well it means I have a theory about that. Useless factoids that occupy the brain are useless; therefore, by logical deduction Elrock is useless. Very Ionesco, eh? If you don't know what that means, read Rhinoceros (Sp?). Funny satire about the fallacy of logic. The crowning achievement of that book is the conclusion that Socrates was a cat through 'logic'.

So where are the dancing singing hamsters? or Eric and Ryan's Social Theorem

Apparently Ryan has been working on this social theorem for some time now, we sort of solidified it today while we were at Barnes and Chernobyl. Without getting all mathematic on your asses (and sounding stupid cause I never paid attention in geometry) I will explain said theorem in a simple, pedestrian manner. Here goes:

1) If A does not know the name of or who the hell B is, and B knows the name and who A is, then A is instantly cooler and has power over B.

2) If A is younger than B, then A has TOTAL AWESOMENESS over B.

This is a theory applied predominantly to the high school and post-high school world.

Allow myself to demonstrate this theorem with regards.. to.. myself: A month or so ago I was in said Barnes and Chernobyl and a checkout girl looked at my license for my CC purchase. She said she recognized me and my name and knew me through someone else while I attended Costa. She was two years older, and knew me through Tina Larusso, who I really didn't know at all. I had NO IDEA who this person was. This means that she uses some part of her brain to keep me in storage while I waste none of my brain on her. Applying this theorem to this example means that I have TOTAL AWESOMENESS over this Barnes girl.

I am awesome. Thoughts?

I can watch this forever. Why?

Hmm.. idea.. test:

Teh Action Crap Servars

I am working on fixing that problem now. I have a site at Lunarpages for the action team, but the domain is still through Nexpoint, so I am having them transfer the domain to an account at DotRegistrar, which sucks too. Once both 10d6 and the actionteam are transferred to DotRegistrar, I will be transferring them again to yet another company that I can manage the domains easier. So, apparently there is some issue with the .org registry and there has been problems with the transfer. Whateva.

Nexpoint has really taken a nosedive over the years. My guess is that they grew too quickly and couldn't afford, or were reluctant to hire anyone else and expand the way they should have, so basically everything is just sort of broken in their wake. On to Lunarpages!
Yeah, you Jerk!

What is really great about the Cons these days? They cost nearly the same as they always did. I mean aside from paying airfair or gas for driving. But at usually $30-45 for registration, $50-75 for the room per person, and crap food, it is a cheap weekend compared to other weekend adventures. Yeah the GenCon conventions both require time off from work (A Thursday and a Friday), the KublaCon one does not. We still try and rackum' packum' and stackum' in the room. Well it is usually 4-6 of us in a room anymore, but fun nonetheless.


PS Elrock, I tracked Theactionteam.org webserver for a few days on a ping plotting program and I found that every 3.5 hours, the server drops connection to the Internet for 3.5-2.5 minutes. Wierd. It is almost like clockwork.
Do Something About It You Turd!

Wow, that was mean! What I meant to say was, you should make it a priority to come to at least one convention a year with us! Our convention schedule now consists of GenCon in Anaheim during November/December, although I think some of us might make the pilgrimage to Indianapolis next summer (Denis an Eric), and then to Kublacon in SF in May. You should make it a priority to come! Yes, put it BEFORE your child, BEFORE your wife, BEFORE your life obligations, BEFORE work! DO IT!

It's super fun, and it lets us all stay in touch with our youth and tap into that nerdiness that was our HS careers. Except now we drink beer too!

BTW: I guess Jon's girlfriend from the cell phone poker is my girlfriend now, I picked up the game too! It's funny! I also got baccarat (spelled with 2 T's on my phone) and backgammon. Those British certainly make radicool programs for the cell phones! Web browsers, email clients, the works!

Johnny: I am SO sorry I didn't get back to you about that project earlier! I spoke with our contractor and he doesn't have a Nevada license either, sorry d00d! Give me a call and keep me up to date with what is going on though, I want to know!

AND: I think I have kicking around somewhere the older BD&D compilation book with all the rules. I think it used to be white? Or was that the monster manual? I forget.... BD&D r0x0rz! Long live Jon's BD&D campaign featuring the guild that gave you lucky dice rolls if your character sucked bad enough! I still have that sheet of paper somewhere...
The Salad Days

Art: Yeah I sometimes yearn for the days of playing games almost every weekend. The funny thing is we couldnt wait to get out of High School to get money. That quikly turned into can not wait to get out of college toget money. Now that some of us have 'money', we really don't. I mean a lot of it goes to bills, repairs, food, etc. It seems the more you make the more regular expenses you seem to cook up. And when you do actually have disposable money, you dont necessarily have the time. Resposibility is a pain. Being in Elementary school ruled. Hardly any homework and you could play with Stompers, Star Wars and Gi Joe figures, He-man, and transformers all day. Of course unless you were grounded or my Father was making me run/play sports/dig up backyards/lift weights or what other busy work. Damn I wouldn't even do my homework then. What a turd.

I used to play poker a bit at SDSU. I actually used to do pretty good, which is funny when I go to vegas and play cards I get killed. I remember sneaking around at Rich's Aunt's house in middle school to play Strip Poker on her computer. Art, didn't you also have it in your Commodore bootleg software collection?

Elrock: If you liked that Big Johnson shirt how about: "I'd lobsters on my piano than crabs on my organ". Another great. Man what were people thinking?


Some days, I really do look back and earnestly wish for the simpler life we had growing up. Not that growing up was necessarily easy in itself (relatively speaking), but that the problems of our younger years seem a lot less imposing after the fact. Maybe that's just a bit of rearview mirror perspective or romanticizing on my part, but wasn't it a little slice of heaven to congregate and fellowship for the entire weekend, laughing and playing our fantastic games with good friends? All this without rent or mortgage to worry about? No electric bills to pay.. etc etc. I envy you guys that you get to still pick up and play those games from time to time and lose yourself in them. I miss it greatly at times.

(Don't mind me.. just rambling a bit)



Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I love me some b&d. Shit, I mean bd&d.

I bought the Holy Grail of old-school Dungeons & Dragons from eBay and it arrived today: the Rules Cyclopedia. If it were a woman, I would make love to its smooth brown cover and creamy white pages. It's a hardcover, 300-page compendium of all the material from the D&D Basic, Expert, Companion, and Master sets with some extras thrown in, like the Mystic class (a Monk class which is, funnily enough, better than the 3e Monk), and full-color maps of Mystara.

You could run a campaign from 1st to 36th level with nothing besides this book.

There are rules for adding fine wood floors to your fortress or stronghold!!!

Someday, I will run a campaign with this sucker. Water weirds, ahoy!
howad? i'm da' howad!

howardforums.com is supposedly teh shit forums for gettin' the hookup on free java games, wallpapers, etc for yer mobyle fones - i don't know much about it, but i've been sluggin' through it - looks cool. Also look at howardchui.com. Yep!

Coincidentally, not two days ago I rolled about $180 of coins! (Er, actually I didn't roll most of it. Janice was bored.) That's amazing! I'd love to play poker... I might be in SF this weekend, but next week and weekend would be great!

The game is "Sexy Poker" from Gameloft. They make lots of games for 3 or 4 bucks each, some of which are better deals than others. (Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow is supposed to be dandy; Prince of Persia is really, really short.)

There might be a cheaper or free poker game for mobile out there... let me know!
i'd play some pokarz - i went thru a partypoker phase, and then i had a decent one on my gba emu, but i burnt out on computer poker - i was poker'd! in person myght be fun- we'll play for low-carb snank'ems!
"Poker in the front, liquor in the rear!"

A timeless Big Johnson shirt from SDSU. Ah, the days.

Leslie was just thinking we should have a poker night sometime! Leslie, me, Ryan, Heather, Jon, Rudy(?), and Denis(?), would make a good night of losing our shirts!

I'm in!

Where did you get this naked poker game you speak of....
How I'm pathetic, re: poker

I've downloaded a few games for my phone and one of them is... a strip poker game. Yes, now I can revel in watching poorly-drawn sprite women shed their garb to reveal their bizarre, disproportionate figures!

It's a fun game, though, and it's a good poker game, so I've been learning a lot. In fact, I was just this morning thinking it'd be fun to get together with some of you guys for a real poker night... anyone interested?

PS No stripping though.
This week's comedy gold mine at SA is pretty funny:


I'm a huge bandwagon Texas hold em fan ever since they aired...

the WP championships 2 years ago. The 2004 is airing now, although a lot of the good players has already been knocked out. Granted this thing has been going on for ages, just didn't know how fun or cool the game is until now. Anyhow someday when I get the disposable income, I am going to drive down to Vegas and sign up. I don't know about online pokerin though. I would be careful, it just seems too easy. a 10 step walk down the stairs, a stroke of the power on button and your gambling money. Takes out some of the necessary deterences, if you know what I mean. Play with some reservations dude, but good luck!

On yet another totally unrelated tangent..

Anyone here have a love of poker? I'm having a good time blasting the free-money tables at party poker and my real-money account is going live this week as soon as it gets approved by the quintouple-security-measure-goons (which I'm actually pretty grateful for, really). Getting a live-game going is a bit rough if you don't live in Vegas and have a family to schedule for.. so the online bit saves the commute and weird-hours problem at least. With Michelle teaching school and tending to baby during the day, I'm sure she'll be going to sleep plenty early enough for me to knock out an hour or two here and there during the week. The baby room is downstairs right next to the computer/man room so that'll make trips up/down the stairs for dad-on-duty less of an issue as well.

Going to jump ahead of the micro/nano stakes games and try my hand at .50/1 limit on a small bankroll. I know it isn't the best way to go about it traditionally, but I just don't see the benefit of playing thousands of hands at .02/.04 so I can remind myself that I know the math and theory, only to wind up with $3.40 in winnings after killing the tables for weeks/months. I figure if I can play strong and follow the odds correctly, I should be able to scrape out a few bucks on the side part time for fun while I'm still being a home body.



Anyone else watch the Chappell show? I know this is old news.. but it still makes me laugh. I'm Rick James, bitch!

(RIP, R.J.)

Art: That Ninja movie was crazy. I think I would have killed myself trying most of those moves. We ran across the Real Ultimate Power a while back. I had completely forgotten about it. Some funny ass stuff. You now, if we had access to the tool, I could see us doing that same shit with cannons and stuff. Although one of may have been killed, so maybe it was for the best.

I have yet to see Freaks & Geeks. Jon, if you have a problem with the embaressing moments, I think I should probably avoid the show. I can't handle that. I have never seen Firefly either. Ill have to check into that.

Elrick: Rock on with the changes.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Newer Look

I'm trying to change things up a littlebit and add some more features and doo dads along the way. So this isn't really finished yet, but I don't want to work on it anymore right now. So I know it looks ugly.

Any ideas of what I might try, and fail, to add to the site? I think it is very important so far that everyone knows what is up with the gamingreport.com as well as the most recent picture I have sent with my cell phone. BTW, the picture opens up the textamerica moblog I have setup as a test, nothing is really great going on over there yet, and there may nevar be, but at least there is a slightly newer picture on the site, right?

Isn't that right, Mike?

Thought so.
Fox is idiots. My friend lent me Outfoxed, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Haven't seen Freeks n Geeks yet - i'll check it out.

Just watched that Brazilian movie City of God. It's pretty good. A little too flashy for me, but it ain't a bad movie. It's about gang wars in the slums of brazil - pretty violent n shit like that. The best thing about the dvd though is a documentary it has on there about the gangs vs police situation in brazil. it's fucking in-sane. WOW. Everything down there in that situation is just fucked. WAY FUCKED.

I can't believe Fox didn't support Firefly. They didn't even show the pilot (that's why Train Job has the sorta half-assed exposition at the start), and they showed the episodes out of order. Go Fox.

I've been slowly working my way through Freaks & Geeks. Man, that is a great show, but there are times when I can only watch 2 or 3 minutes at a time because it's so embarassing. I got so tense that I broke into a sweat during the episode where the kinda-dumb guy tries out for the band (and then later there was the whole thing with the showers in gym class).

(Re F&G: the nerdy guy who played the Dungeon Master guy posts on rpgnet all the time, especially about White Wolf stuff.)

I'd seen the funny ninja site before - its good, but those real dudes doing all that shit was fuckin awesome! fuck -it's so cool that people can actually do shit like that.

finally finished the firefly series. it is outstanding! so fuckin good. can't wait for the movie next year. i know jon has seen it - anyone else? it really is a remarkable show - highly highly recommended!

Ninjas in training! Totally sweet!

(just in case you've missed the best website on the internet.. check out www.realultimatepower.net )

Ok.. and then there are THESE guys.. click this or die! (lol)

Holy fuck.

These guys built a cannon/flame thrower and.. well.. used it a lot.

75 megs (or so) I recommend right clicking and saving as, although you might be able to stream it.. this is absolutely worth the download. LOL!

ah ha ha ha... (chuckles)

Ghost sheath. A cock ring that allows you to fuck ghosts.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Hey all.. I just got done listening to my favorite radio station all afternoon and realized that as a group of like-minded music-oriented folks, that it might interest you all as well. The station is a completely listener-funded gig with none of the commercialized crap we're force fed 24/7 on most mainstream radio stations. So, you get a large chunk of new, experimental and fresh sounds and artists as a result... and I LOVE IT.

Anyway, I just remembered that they live-stream the station at up to 1.4mbs (full digital quality for burning/recording) and keep shows available to listen to even after the fact. Even BETTER (because a lot of the artists are not mainstream), they keep a FULL SORTABLE PLAYLIST.

Give it a shot! Make sure you check out their program schedule so you don't kick it on when there's a genre you're not cool with. Just thought I'd share the love.


