
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Some notes on religion and politics

- There is never going to be a conversation held on this blog that will change anyone's thinking one way or another with regards to religion and/or politics and I think we should stay away from both topics. These discussions always end the same no matter who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening or which forum we choose to host our discussion.

That being said, I say fhughettaboutit!

- Jon has had a cell phone for how long now, and yet we still don't have his number? Jerk.

- Denis and I bought RC tanks at Third Planet that shoot and damage each other this past weekend. Denis' tank had a faulty motor and I emailed the company and they are sending a replacement! Hooray for customer service, and moreso hooray for RC tanks that shoot and damage each other!

- The Worlds Largest Dungeon by AEG is available the 30th of this month. It costs $100, is 900 pages long, and AEG sold 3/4 of a TON of it at GenCon. I propose that I purchase it, and that be our RPG for cons from here on out. There will be no major storyline just small plots here and there, and we can shelve it between conventions, but we can also bust it out and nerd it up like the old days when we all need the RPG fix that most of us don't get weekly anymore. Sound good? Good! I'm in!