
Thursday, August 26, 2004

So, there I was, chasing the platypus with a bucket of oatmeal..

Philosophical/logical interior monologue:

Ok, party "A" says his family member is in the hospital, seriously ill/injured.

Party "B" says, we will keep them in our prayers.

Praying generally means that one believes in God.

People that believe in God believe that He is all knowing and all powerful.

If something/someone is all knowing and all powerful, then they know everything that has ever happened, is happening or WILL happen in the future.

That being so, this raises a few questions.. 1) If the outcome is already known, what will praying about it do? You cannot change that which is already a known event in time. 2) If everything we do or think is known ahead of time by someone or something, then all of our actions are already pre-determined (otherwise, how could they know what was to be?)

Conclusion: That kind of puts a big-ass stick in the spokes of free will and whatnot.

Secondary Conclusion: Either God is not all-knowing and all-powerful, or we have no ability to steer our own course. Everying is fated. The process of decision making is illusionary.

*thinks some more*