
Friday, April 02, 2004

on a lighter note:


its a photo-essay on Chernobyl - havent thought about that place in awhile. fuck!

Funny Classic

Winston was at a party and was becoming somewhat the worse for drink. He was approached by a prominent member of the Aristocracy.

Lady: Winston, you are drunk.

Churchill: And madam, you are ugly, but in the morning I shall be sober.


I just thought of this earlier today and thought I would post it. Classic.

Also, I think everyone knows about this, but here it is anyway.
Buono giorno!

If you get a chance, get the Pope's autograph. And if possible get him to bless a set of dice. Oh yeah and bring back a souvenir pointy pope hat too.

For some reason I had it in my head that the con was early May. Now I realize it's the end so maybe I can wrangle a few days off. I may indeed be able to attend after all, stay tuned... Also when are we leaving and coming back?

And to close, I think we should drop any pretense of democracy left and invade the rest of the world (we bomb those that don't comply). It will be grand, the Neo Holy Roman Empire, then my fellow citizens, then, we shall dictate a universal keyboard standard. It is so beautiful... Ave Pax Americana!!!

Games mix. I am afraid to say you will have to become very cozy with Yu Gi OH and the other crappy collectable games. Comics maybe. They seem a like a popular item, but they consume a lot of space and ruin the mix.

PS in the previous message you may have notices a shortage of X's. Stupid Keys. Gotta go. Talk more later.

Bortz a lot
I hate International Keyboards.

To use the '@' symbol I have to press 'Ctrl', 'Alt', and The key left of 'L' to get one. Everything else is wiggy too. I am sure you remember the funky keyboards Elrick.

Pump: Rookie mistake on the job thing. You need to tell them of 'previous commitments' as Eric stated. If it is a small amount of time all most employers will be accomodating to that. I hope you will be able to make the Next Boobla action.

Elrock & Jon: Cell phone excuses suck. You only have so many. But try these beacuse they will always float with us guys: "Sorry I had to turn it off because I was in Church." or "I was in the shower and the phone fell in and I had to dry the turn it off while it was drying." or best of all "I hate you stop calling."

Oetersen: I shall be back This SUnday in the afternoon.

Rude: I have heard that Google plans to make your personal info available much in the same vain as hotmail. Trader Joe's Rules! I will give you a low down on epenses and all that for Europa when I get back to the states.

Elrock: Not HB or MB. Toooo epensive. Could never make the overhead work out. Maybe Redodo or Borence. Redodo might be too epensive still and Borence gets close to Nerd Planet territory. ES is out too, to secluded and epensive as well. I guess that leaves Torrance. Unless you try to go more into the west side. Like Culver or West Chester or West LA or Santa Monica, but those areas are doggy in affordable areas and expensive in the good districts. Torrance seems the best. Maybe something on the NW end of Torrance.. Sufficiently away from Nerd Planet. Name.... Lemme stew on that.

Johnny: If you ask the question right, it will come off as you being playful when you ask it and you may still get a straight answer. Is my car still alive or did you sell it to a chop shop for heroin?

Romans are tough people. Rude even. Eric be glad you didnt come here instead of fierenze. Also, long pants and long sleves go a long way to make people more civil towards you. More on that later.



whoa - theres an interview with dave sims in the onion av club, and that guy really sucks! whaddayanknow!

ive never read the comic, but I think i remember jon telling talking about it. read the interview - he keeps freaking out on the interviewer about "leftists" and all this complete bullshit. whadda spaz. usagi ownz cerebus.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

also, u guys heard about googles new free email? supposedly your account gets 1 GIG free storage for your emails. thats pretty rad. its called GMAIL - www.gmail.com
Tuna and Hummus... MMM.

Thats what im having for dinner - its fuckin GOOD. i just make it like tuna salad, but instead of mayo, i use some of that trader joes hummus. i love it. omg so good.

Game store ideas:

Well, I think for location in the south bay, i'd say either redondo beach or torrance. Not torrance by el camino - ive seen lots of comic book stores go DOWN over there - its near a school, but its a tough sell. Maybe more towards Del Amo - off hawthorne. Or even further down near rolling hills/PV. Heh - thats kinda where 3rd planet was huh? i dont think manhattan beach would be to good of a spot - MAYBE hermosa, but i dunno.

Some name ideas:

*Geek Kingdom
*Nerds R Us (although maybe you'd get sue by toyz r us)

I think with a name like that, you could incorporate some of that "geek chick" stuff, like cloths from jinxhackwear.com or thinkgeek.com (check there april fools stuff today - pretty funny.)

And, as far as the games you could sell, youd have to sell yu-gi-oh shit to make money. i dunno - its seems like a hard kind of business to run. if you go heavy on the gamesworkshop stuff, that shit just might never sell. u should talk to people at the game stores now and just get some honest answers on what makes them the most money, etc.

do it!

when r u guys hangin out this weekend? lemme know

What P152 REALLY is...

I could see how you guys could get mixed up, but I'm referring to Item: P152 series 30 Pewter 7x9mm Tube Beads in Metallic Color. Sorry for the confusion. I could see how you could get it mixed up with Fenton Pink and Cokin Neutral Density with Protective Casing.

I don't know about the cell phone excuses, but I'm calling bullshit on not returning my email that I sent you while you were on your honeymoon!!!! fuckar, you owe me a $1.00.

I wish I could play som mo' games this weekend. Sad to hear denis, you can't call it quits on your job. I'm having a real tuff time finding a job as well. I didn't think the market was this bogged. I think I"ve submitted my resume to over 30 large companies and heard nothing. Interesting. I'm not frustrated yet, but I hope I hear something soon, or I'll start thinking how unmarketable I must be.

I Thought You Were Refering to

"Item: P152 -Fenton Pink "Hugs for You" Pink Tiny Kitten", was I mistaken? I see how there could be a misunderstanding between Fenton Pink and Cokin Neutral Density, I just wanted to be sure....

- Yes, to my knowledge, gaming is on my far travelling friend.

- Cell phones are great, because there is no good excuse for not being able to be reached at all times anymore. Unless you use some crap like "I left it in my car", or "its out of batteries", or "I didn't hear it ring", or the WORST, "thats funny, I had the phone with me, the call must not have gone through"... All bullshit. Never let me get away with using any of them. If it try to, call bullshit, and charge me $1.00 for my attempted hoax.

- Rudy? Haven't hear from you in a while, mang.

- If you had a games store 1) what would you call it, ii) where would you put in the south bay, and c) what kind of merchandise mix would you stock? Just curious....

- Boo to Denis for missing Kublacon again. Actually, the best time to ask for time off is before you start your job under the guise of prior commitments. Try it, you'll like it!

- I am enjoying my Netflix free trial, and Underworld is actually a good, enjoyable movie, I recommend it. It would never be a movie if not for White Wolf, strange to think about, but true.

A P152 is a "Cokin P152 Neutral Density 2X Filter with Protective Case." C'mon, everybody knows that.

I am looking forward to some jolly gaming this weekend. Eric, are you in, sir?

Hey Enron... when you getting back, foo'? I have something to discuss with you.

In other news, I think I'm going to have to get a cell phone pretty soon. Sigh.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004


I think asking if they issue parachutes is not as rude as bringing your own. What's a P152 by the way? Well, I hope you have the non-crashing fun.

On another not so fun note; it looks like I probably won't be able to go to the Khon. I'm starting a new job around that time so asking for days off so early might be bad form. But my wager with Eric still stands. I will have a Blood Bowl team painted by the time the con rolls around. I'll just be playing with them by myself in my room with a flat beer and a sad heart... in my underwear.
Uh.... is this the quiet team????????

where is everyone?

I'm going on a P152 on friday!!! i'm going flying with my chiquita banana. If I don't see any of you, and this is my last words, I just have to say, "hey fuckars!". I don't think they issue parachutes, and I didn't want to ask. would that be rude?


Monday, March 29, 2004

This is kinda chilling, for many reasons

At this website you can enter in your address and see who--I mean exactly who--has donated how much and to which political campaign.

In my area the dems/reps are fairly even, but the reps all tend to donate larger amounts, often the $2000 limit, which of course all goes to George W., where the dem donations are smaller, and spread out between the various primary candidates.

Very interesting.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Naomi Newman.... Traveling Jewish theatre

okay... first off, one-woman shows are amazing! Standing up on stage by yourself for an hour and a half in front of a pact audience can be truly intimidating for the actor, I assume! That was the first one woman show I have ever been to and I will be looking for more in the future. I guess theoretically it could be a one man show too, not to be confused with "the man show". wokka wokka.

The actor and the show itself had something to more to be desired though. The play is called "fall down and get up" and is about the semi biographical - perspective of Naomi Newman, from her teenage to her adult years as a jewish girl. I didn't quite understand a lot of the yiddish folk songs she sang in the beginning and the middle, which made me wish I did. Some of the characters were't quite as believable, especially when she played a negro from the south. Overall it was okay, the John smidt trouffles during intermission saved the day! =D

back to mundane things

thats the BB download page- i dont remember what the latest ver # is tho.

Glad italy is cool! dude, you totally got to go to the vatican and all the crazy illuminati churches! id love to do that. how much money u burning through a day? Id love to go there, but id totally have to do it on the cheap.

once again, i implore you all to see the Dave Chappelle Show dvd 1st season. It is one of the funniest things ive honestly ever seen. OMG. There's like 12 eps on it or somethin, and every one has at least an 80% laugh ranking.

also, for the trip to SF for kublah khan, lets finalize when we're leaving and coming back so i can make appropriate work scheduling. I know elrock wanted to leave thur night, which is cool wit me, but can jon and d-nish take that friday off also? gotta go together guys! gotta catch em all!

ive been playing TONS of GBA lately (from an emu) - there's some pretty rad games for it - the rpg Golden Sun being really sick. Super impressive for a handheld title! plus, on the computer, you can obviously make the screen as big as u want which is uber rad.

ok bye
Where's that link to java Blood Bowl, again?
Greetings from Firenze!

Hey monkeys. I finally have a chance to sit down and check the old blogger action. Sounds like some crazy BB games have come and gone. I am sorry to hear about that. Although not as sorry as I am in missing Jon coming to the Bay area. Bummer. I would have liked to been there for that. The trip has been great here so far. When I get back to the states I will give you all a low down. I have been running around like a fool for almost the whole time and I have seen quite a bit. I will be heading down to Rome on tuesday, hopefully I will be able to post another time before I get there. I suspect once I get into rome that I weill not be able to blog.

Sidenote: Randomizing in computers can be suspect. Hardware usually simulates the randomness, but they are accurate to true random within a tenth of a percent or so. However software can screw with that and either logic errors or timing errors can make random generators lean to one set of numbers. However in all my years of die rolling I have found that dice can be equally frustrating and appear as non-random.

Rod Stewert = Burnt. Eric... Your old.

K gotta go.