
Thursday, April 01, 2004

Tuna and Hummus... MMM.

Thats what im having for dinner - its fuckin GOOD. i just make it like tuna salad, but instead of mayo, i use some of that trader joes hummus. i love it. omg so good.

Game store ideas:

Well, I think for location in the south bay, i'd say either redondo beach or torrance. Not torrance by el camino - ive seen lots of comic book stores go DOWN over there - its near a school, but its a tough sell. Maybe more towards Del Amo - off hawthorne. Or even further down near rolling hills/PV. Heh - thats kinda where 3rd planet was huh? i dont think manhattan beach would be to good of a spot - MAYBE hermosa, but i dunno.

Some name ideas:

*Geek Kingdom
*Nerds R Us (although maybe you'd get sue by toyz r us)

I think with a name like that, you could incorporate some of that "geek chick" stuff, like cloths from jinxhackwear.com or thinkgeek.com (check there april fools stuff today - pretty funny.)

And, as far as the games you could sell, youd have to sell yu-gi-oh shit to make money. i dunno - its seems like a hard kind of business to run. if you go heavy on the gamesworkshop stuff, that shit just might never sell. u should talk to people at the game stores now and just get some honest answers on what makes them the most money, etc.

do it!

when r u guys hangin out this weekend? lemme know
