
Thursday, April 01, 2004

I Thought You Were Refering to

"Item: P152 -Fenton Pink "Hugs for You" Pink Tiny Kitten", was I mistaken? I see how there could be a misunderstanding between Fenton Pink and Cokin Neutral Density, I just wanted to be sure....

- Yes, to my knowledge, gaming is on my far travelling friend.

- Cell phones are great, because there is no good excuse for not being able to be reached at all times anymore. Unless you use some crap like "I left it in my car", or "its out of batteries", or "I didn't hear it ring", or the WORST, "thats funny, I had the phone with me, the call must not have gone through"... All bullshit. Never let me get away with using any of them. If it try to, call bullshit, and charge me $1.00 for my attempted hoax.

- Rudy? Haven't hear from you in a while, mang.

- If you had a games store 1) what would you call it, ii) where would you put in the south bay, and c) what kind of merchandise mix would you stock? Just curious....

- Boo to Denis for missing Kublacon again. Actually, the best time to ask for time off is before you start your job under the guise of prior commitments. Try it, you'll like it!

- I am enjoying my Netflix free trial, and Underworld is actually a good, enjoyable movie, I recommend it. It would never be a movie if not for White Wolf, strange to think about, but true.