
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

OMG! Everyone, do yourselves a collective favor and..

Rent "Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins" immediately and watch while consuming mass quantities of Doritos and soda of your chosing. Good times.

A short review/recount of the movie:

Sam Makin, Newark, N.J. cop, is "killed accidentally", to be reborn as Remo Williams, the sole pupil of the greatest Assassin on Earth, Chiun, the master of Sinanju. He is trained in the "sun source" of all martial arts, to work for an organization that doesn't exist, to secure the liberties of the Constitution, outside the Constitution. In the process, he takes down a white-collar criminal who has corrupted an Army General, and seeks to rob the Government.

Seriously.. you must watch this movie. I think it's one of the most fun movies no one has ever seen.. LOL..

As for "Jack Burton".. surely you've seen "Big Trouble in Little China"!? It's Kurt Russell's character, who admittedly is not really a kung-fu kind of guy, but he does kick a lot of ass in that movie. That's yet another solid movie. I was inspired to look towards movies after the whole Drunken Master reference.

How about Master Liu in Crouching Tiger? Maybe that's too obvious/boorish of a character.. kind of like saying "Bruce Lee!".. or something. =]

Anyhow.. GO RENT REMO WILLIAMS. Seriously. Just do it. You can thank me later.
