
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Oh.. and from the "WTF?" files..

I got accused of being a racist today by one of our customers because I relayed a message to him that the inspection company guy couldn't get near his home to take pictures because of an unrestrained, agressive dog in his yard. When I tried to call him back to figure out how, exactly, he came to the conclusion that I was a racist, he wouldn't talk to me and hung up mid sentence.

This was a bit disturbing.. and very funny to everyone else here in the office that constantly gets corrected by me for saying ethnically insensitive things such as "gyp" and referring to asians being "oriental". Sigh.

Oh well.. you can't win them all I guess. I sent him a letter trying to clear the air, with the supposition that perhaps he was mixing up whatever inspection guy was out there with me on the phone as being the same guy (we've never met in person), especially when our phone conversations have always been very candid and friendly. Anyway.. the whole thing is pretty bizarre. I can't wait to receive the inevitable phone call from the District or State office asking about this one.. lovely. This definately ranks in my top three most bizarre phone conversations of all time.


O-Rugs The Cracka